Is Love Important?
The trilogy of blogs on Eat Pray Love ends with the term Love.
The term is used loosely for all relationships from mother-child,husband-wife to boy-girl relationships. We always say-I love you to all and sundry.
What we are actually talking about is the bonding that we have with another being.
But here the bond is between the spiritual beings.
Spiritually we all come from the same source and hence we are bonded by that one force called Love. The separation happens due to divisions in the universe by the power called maya. Maya is the delusion which causes us to think of our human nature and makes each and everything different than us. Maya separates the man from a woman, mother from a wife,husband from a father...though all are one.
The separation is due to color, skin, sex, caste, regions or countries, relationships, servant and master and finally God from man.
Though all of us are from the same source, we tend to differ and understand that we are actually flesh and blood human beings..a body!
The One binding force in all these differences is that power called Love.
When we love someone we are binding ourselves with that other person.
The reverse is true when someone hates another, the separation is so real.
Love is a powerful tool for uniting each one of us together.
This union makes for that One called God, which exists in all of us.
This Love is God but since we believe that we are separate entities we do not come together.
So to be in love means to create a union or a bond for cohesiveness.
This Oneness with all the creation destroys Maya or delusion and makes us One with God and that is Love!