Troublesome Lord?

There are people in this world who can only think of God when they are in deep trouble.
Take the case of a woman undergoing a very difficult divorce or marriage. A man who has been stuck up in a rut at work or is not getting a job worth his mettle. A young boy who has just been dumped by his girlfriend or a young woman who got cheated by her beau. Someone who has a very difficult operation, an incurable disease or just an affliction which does not seem to go away. A young student who is appearing for his examination or an interview. There are many more such examples when we think of God and pray to Him with reverence and our fervent prayers are for success. These folks think of Him only because they are in trouble and need help.
Otherwise do they even think of Him ever?
There seems to be no need for them to think or call on Him when things are going fine.I can just call these people very self centered and selfish to the core.
Now take the case of God.
He is all loving being and takes away our troubles and gives us solace and respite from all our problems so we seek Him!
If the Lord was all egoistic and self centered then He would want all the attention and would give you never-ending trouble since He knows that you have no choice but to get back to Him and you will be dependent on Him at all times.
But being very loving in nature He gives you very little trouble when you can go to Him. Just imagine if you were that Lord, you would want everyone completely dependent on you, won't you? But knowing His very benevolent nature He only gives you little troubles.
But now for those whom He cares a lot and are not self centered, He gives them so much unhappiness and misery that they are constantly looking up to Him.
That way He makes them completely dependent on Him for everything in their life.
The devout and God loving people constantly are in deep trouble. They never find peace or worldly happiness. They are forever craving for Him and cry to Him for even the smallest joy.
I know this sounds a very bad person but look at it from His point of view.
The worldly never care for Him but for His gifts and goodies only. They love only His material benefits and nothing else. The devoted are constantly dependent on Him since they know there is no other that can give them that which they seek. Which is true happiness and love for Him.
So now you have a choice where you want to be.
To only be selfish and ask when in trouble. Or be completely dependent on Him for His grace at all times and become His devotee. Then realize you will have life full of troubles and hardships. Get ready for that!


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