Drag On's

We have always dragged on issues in life and carried on without addressing them properly for many reasons.
Take the case of balding tires of your car. We say next time I shall change them and we continue on the old ones till they finally give in.
The mixer in our kitchen has been malfunctioning for the last one year and we have knocked it tens of times and restarted it but haven't gone to change it.
The idea that Japan is the weakest link in the earth faults and is prone to earthquakes has not changed the attitude of Japanese people to shift their nuclear power plants.
Why do we wait for things to crystallize and then start to react at the n'th moment?
In life also we wait for things to come to a complete halt before we look at them.
Can we not begin in time and address the issues well in time so that we can save ourselves a lot of heartaches later on?
Haven't we learnt in school- A stitch in time saves nine?
Yet we continue with our apathetic attitude and procrastinate on issues which need to be looked into right there and then.
Can we start right here and now and look at stuff which needs immediate redressal and face the issues and rectify them now instead of crying over spilt milk later?
So take a positive attitude and look around in life and start taking care of issues which need your immediate attention.


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