
The word describes as an ego-trip. How many of us actually point to our little self and talk highly about it? All of us do that. It can also be called as a self promotion.
I was talking about it in the satsang yesterday where we find that there will be a few of the devotees who will later describe the words of the teachings with their own interpretations and say that this is what he meant in his satsang. They draw their own conclusions which sound very highly intellectual interpretations of the simple words discussed in it. They then go about comparing themselves how intelligent they are than the rest of the devotees. I have myself experienced this in satsangs which I attended.
Some really try hard to impress the rest of the crowd with their mental gymnastics.
Again when we meet our colleagues we impress upon them how the meeting went by our own special inputs as to how you have been instrumental in making the leader arrive at a momentous decision. We all want that false praises.
Sometimes the ones in front of us are also a party to it by praising you to the sky and saying how much you know and understand what was being told. How good you have been and how much of knowledge you have imbibed in this life at such a young age.
They praise you to the highest and make you feel like God Himself.
But a true devotee never lets anyone praise or pander you. He will keep a very low profile and would never allow them to praise of raise the ego to such heights.
Have you also noticed how people falsely try to say who am I to tell you all this, the words are not mine at all. They are the words of the Lord who speaks through this simple soul. Aggragh! There are multiple examples of such messiahs in our great past. They never seem to grow up at all. The true saints always say that they are your servants servant or that only the Lord is great and Allah Malik!
The above words are said by two saints Ramakrishna Paramhansa and Saibaba of Shirdi. They never even allowed anyone to praise them, instead they would run after that person with a stick or just insult them. That was just a method of telling the people never praise this disposable body at all. So let us not go after self aggrandizement or pander our ego and get bloated to the level when we can fall the fastest. let humility remain our mainstay and let us praise the good Lord for what He has given us.


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