Giving & Asking!
This whole month is being celebrated all about giving. Giving free meals, giving donations, giving back to society and giving love.
There are many types of givers so I shall give you an idea about them.
The highest type of giver is the one who gives and has no idea he has given, has no sense of giving and no ownership about the act or its fruits too. The middling type is the one who gives and knows that he has given, has a clear idea how much it is and where and when also. He cares about the fruits and is bothered that it has gone to the right place or person too. He needs accounts and always mentions about it to one and all. He feels the ownership of giving and granting to the have-nots. He feels mighty pleased at himself for giving and counts the next time also how much he can do good to the society. The lowest class are those who give reluctantly after coercion and by force only.They feel the others do not deserve their generosity. They never seem to let go of the things that they have given. They need all the publicity and much more than their value worth of what they have shelled out. They are mean to the core when it is a question of giving and have their own people to whom it should be given. They consider it as a business transaction.
I am sure by now you have understood how this works.
The highest type is unaware of giving but constantly gives. They are the Godly types. Their benevolence is far greater than any normal human being. They know that everything belongs to God so what is it that they can give? After all they are just plucking a rose from His garden to give it back to Him, so they do not feel as if they have given. God gives them back much more. Take the case of Sudama who was so mean to Krishna,but Krishna ate one grain of the beaten rice and gave Sudama so much riches. This shows how God gives without any preconditions. The highest type of a person would be Jesus, Krishna, Guru Nanak, Saibaba and so on who attain the status of the Lord Giver.
The middling type want to have full publicity, want to see where the money goes and so on. These people do not seem to understand that once you give something to someone, they loose ownership of that which they have given so why do they want to know where it has gone? They do have goodness at heart but this meanness cuts down that goodness terribly. Does the river Ganga who is all giving ask what you do with its water? This person wants a receipt of what he has donated or given. Wants complete control over his monies and needs all to know how much he has given. The funniest part is he will give a great punchline later-"I do not expect anything out of what I have given, see, I do it with goodness of heart and have no bad intentions at all. I just feel that this world has to be given back since we get so much from this universe and God. So I am just doing my humble duty to the society and God."
Such are these hypocrites. They give a thousand and get a hundred thousand from God and feel that they have given really a good tidy sum. These mean people need targets for giving also so they will always ask how much to give and expect an answer from the one they give to. They feel that by adding another few rupees to their donation they do a great job.
Now I really do not feel there can be any specific example of people for the lowest types. They crib for paying even a fiver for a pooja. They will select the worst types when they give and even then they will ask for some change from them. They will remove a tenner and ask for the beggar for nine back. Take the nine first and then give the tenner. They will ask for returns from even a beggar. They will ask him first why should they give to him? Their method is to also tell the beggar that he is so hale and hearty, why doesn't he ever work for a living? Now who has asked them to comment on his state? If they do not want to give why are they giving at all?
They as well save their one rupee and feel that it adds up to their own beggarliness.
So when you feel that giving is such a great thing consider all the above examples and then give or do what you feel like.