Unreal and Mayavi

Now here I was telling my disciple about this world being unreal and full of disturbing stuff and a creation of Maya, the delusive power of God. She was unable to co-relate to it so I took some simple examples from our daily life to tell her how much it is unreal.
I asked her what she ate last night and she told me she ate an ice-cream which was very yummy.She was under the impression like most of us that it is made from milk but I told her that it is made from vegetable oils and she was aghast. Don't you ever read what it says on the ice cream wrapper, I asked! It says a frozen desert and not an ice cream.See?
Then came the question of milk since she thought milk is straight from the cows.
I told her I am sorry to say, it comes from the dairy and it is never fresh.
It is remade from the stored milk powder which they might have collected some weeks ago. Is it true? Ahhhh!And then we want to eat that cream from milk. Wish I was with Shri Krishna. He had the purest of the cream and milk.
Then the topic came to eggs and I started telling her how the chicken lay them without the help of a cock. It is all in a coop with only hormonal stuff being given to the poor chick.They do not give fertilized eggs anymore. After all the chicken gives us only a few eggs a year she said and I told her the ultra modern chicken gives her over 250 eggs per annum.Egad!So I wondered where my eggs went away when I was small? I should have asked my neighbor then!Heh!
So even the eggs are a fake, so she asked me is there anything which is real?
You will then tell me that the grains that I eat are also not real.
I told her they come from a farm but most of the times their children are not real.
Well, if the farmer buys seeds from a company and replants the saved seeds for the next season, they will not give a good yield since the parents are not allowed to give a second birth.So we need to go back to the seed company to buy the next season. Funny, the poor farmer will suffer more since he has to shell out more again and again. But see, the seed company tells you to buy their products so that you have a bumper harvest,that's good yeoman service. Right?
So the basmati is not real or is it? Now it was getting very tricky for me.
I told her that if she wanted a particular smell and color then there are companies which specialize in real time essences and flavors and also suitable color to go with it.That burst the remaining dam and she became sceptical at everything.
I told her anyway now just you consider everything is so unreal, why not enjoy all the bull that is given to us and be happy artificially.
After all it is the world of Maya and she rules.


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