When Your World Crumbles!
I am sure you have seen these days when everything seems so bleak and run down and there is no hope for you anywhere. You rack your brains to find solutions and there are no solutions that can raise your mood or remove the pall of doom.
The reasons could be many. Maybe you have lost something valuable like a diamond or an old friend or simply you would have broken your heart. Or you would have not got into a prestigious institution or just had a broken marriage. The reasons for feeling might be any. But the cause for your spirit being completely dejected and hurt or just destroyed could be many.
The most important news that you were waiting to hear has changed to being the worst news. The mind plays on and you get more and more depressed by the minute. In other developed nations you call in the shrink and get yourself a quick fix but here in India we have no such stuff to look forward to. You may have a good friend to whom you may pour it out to but can you actually tell that? You hold up a few things and bottle yourself up. You do not want to reveal your hurt and the bad part. You crave for that one person in your life whom you could download the grief and pain. Your husband is far from being that person and your best friend is too busy with newer relationships in her life.
Then you may try another option like looking at the divine and pouring it out to Him. You may talk your head off to Him yet there too you are talking to a dead wall it may seem. If there was a person called God then maybe you could have spoken to Him but you have no one to look at so what do you do? Go to some temple or church and pray your heart out? Talking to this invisible persona not knowing whether He listens or not. You promise Him that if He were to take you out of this trouble you are sure to do nine novenas or come to Shirdi or some holy place. Now that is giving Him an incentive to make things right, see? But then you are not even sure if things will happen your way or not. At such times you wonder whether you actually have a choice! Of course what do you expect? Phone a friend or some audience replies like KBC show?
You truly must be feeling terrible to pin hopes on to such silly stuff but you cannot help it. You are actually hoping for a miracle then.
These miserable states can be very tiresome and pathetically angst filled. You wish no other person ever enters this state, not even your enemy. And you wait......
The solution arrives in a very strange way. You are not sure if that is the answer but you still get going. Your world changes and you are back on your feet raring to go to fight another bigger battle. How did this come about you may think? You surely have no control over anything at all and that which happened was truly far beyond your ken and understanding. You hoped that your enemy goes to dust but on the contrary he is laughing away into the arms of another. You say wow! How strange are His ways. You hoped to get some money to solve your crisis and He sent you a legal notice? This is terrible and still more depressing. Of course, you have seen no end of this at all. The moment you think you have reached rock bottom, He digs further deeper and tells you there is more to go.
In this material world there are no permanent solutions for any problems. There are only diversions and illusions of happiness in pockets. There are flashes of some joy but they hardly last.
When the spiritual say that true happiness lies in the Self, you wonder if you could be the Self or whatever it is! To know the Self is not easy they say but you can start somewhere at least.
But do the spiritual actually have peace, tranquility, happiness, bliss or all the stuff they talk about? It does not seem like that since you have seen all the great spiritual folks suffer badly and you would never want to be in their shoes. Jesus died a very gruesome death, so did Buddha. Even Ram and Krishna. The saints too live a terrible life. They have no money or even food in their plate. Then how come they speak of eternal bliss, you wonder!
If these sad instances have raised questions to know that impossible path, then know you are qualified for knowing the Self. You will surely meet that One who can show you the path then.
Later you may say if you find your true happiness, that this misery was needed in the first place to get here. I am happy my world crumbled, now I can be truly happy in spiritual. Find your true Self now! Where you will be full of your Self and truly at peace. There is no happiness outside of you so stop finding that there. Find it inside of you. Search there alone.
When that happens the teacher appears from nowhere and you will be soon leaving this tumultuous state behind to knowing your true identity called the Self.