Masters Love.
The mother gives birth to the child and rears it up giving her milk and tends to all needs of the child forsaking her own happiness and desires.
Even when the child is in the womb she makes the child comfortable and attends to every need that arises. Never a moment in time she feels disturbed or lazy to attend to the child's demands, be it of food, emotional or whatever.
A time comes in life when the child grows up and wants to spread its wings and fly away. The mother only looks with trepidation and hopes the child is safe and cared for the same way she did.
The intensity of the love can never be gauged by any other than the mother.
In the same way the Master who has become the mother of the disciple does the same.
When He initiates the young raw nubile and innocent sadhak into the fold, he takes of the young one with the same love as a mother's. When the disciple joins Him, He has to perform the tarpana or the death ceremony of the material life that she has led earlier. He becomes the father, mother or any other relation that you can see in life. He takes on the disciple and puts her through a very tough and rigorous training for the spiritual. We call it born again or the second birth. The disciple does not have any worldly parents or relations. She has to renounce the world when initiated. So the only world of hers is the Master and His teachings. The disciple then goes about considering the Masters family as her own and does all chores in that place. Hence the disciple is called Guruputri or the child of the Master. They then become from the same sampradaya and gotra. The Master is a task master and makes her work hard since the principle aim is to reach the state of the Self. It takes lifetimes to reach there and so He works harder than ever pushing constantly. The disciple thinks that she can reach the destination very soon. Imagine the mother of Ganesha had to do intense tapascharya for over tens of thousands of years to reach Shiva and here the disciple thinks that by spending a few years and couple of hours she can reach Realization.
Anyway coming back to the topic of moving on, a time comes in the life of the disciple when she has to move on away from the Guru. She prepares to depart and wants to see the world and experience it too. She takes leave of her Master and He then feels exactly the same feelings a mother feels for the child. The child is breaking away from Him and wants to be free and find another place for herself. Wants to make it big in the world. Here the relationship does not end the way the mothers ends with the child, but the Master has now created His clone and lets it go. The disciple has now become the Master Himself and there is no separation, yet there is going to be a vacuum in the life of the Master. He feels sad and looses Himself in the duties that the Lord has prescribed. The disciple moves away far into her own world and creates a niche for herself. Finding her own space and there is no communication with her Master. There is nothing to discus anymore with Him. She creates her own and then becomes a Master Herself.
He just sends the blessings and hopes that sometime in the future she visits Him and brings back the past lost glory of being His child.
I have gone through these same for many years now and know what it means to loose someone.
I crave for my own Master a lot and hope that someday I will be back with Him again.