To Be In Love!

What it means to be in love!
There is no space or time required to fall in love. It happens for reasons far beyond your control.
It happens for some special reasons which have no logical explanations in this world.
The feelings that arise due to this special condition are numerous.
You feel like crying sometimes, the tears roll down your face spontaneously and suddenly.
You smile at some vague feeling or person or in space and those who observe you may feel strange.
You suddenly start jumping with joy and laugh as if you have heard some funny joke.
You cannot relate to anything in this world at all. You become a recluse and are lost in your own world. You shun friends and relations are a pain in the ass. You want to blurt out yet you are restrained by some unknown force.
You feel terrible inside,as if your insides are being churned or your heart is about to explode.
Your stomach has a very queasy feeling and the hollow of the stomach turns into a whirlpool.
You sweat at random and your face flushes at times.
You feel distressed and are filled with anxiety.
You hate the feelings inside of you. You are full of desires and yet with no desire.
You are miserable and want to hide from everyone and everything.
Your ears raise themselves in anticipation and your mouth goes dry.
Your legs shiver and your hands become clammy.
Now if you observe these are almost all symptoms of reactions of the body from fear to delirium to ecstasy. You may wonder why we feel so left out and forlorn.
Every moment in time seems to drag on. When you are with the object of your love, you would just want to stare away or stare hard. You want to talk at random or not talk at all.
You want to compose poems and become a literary figure who writes heavy stuff.
You listen to love songs and those which makes you think of the object of your desire.
You want to spend all your life and every moment with that object.
You never want to be away even for a second.
Any other person who may want to hog even a small space besides yourself can be termed as your enemy. You want to hog all that happens around the object.
You may act very randomly without reason and spend a bomb on a present or flowers.
You would love to call or get called anytime. You dream and live a dream all day long too.
You can never put your finger as to why you behave the way you do.
To be in love is just to be in love. No words can convey what happens to you.
Just let it be and do not try to dissect the feelings.
Just be in love and enjoy it or suffer in silence~!
I know you may wonder why I am writing this article when its a spiritual blog.
Remember that which we have for God is also love and the extreme form of it is devotion.
We can love God in exactly the same way and feel the same as if we are in love with another human being. Now translate and multiply all the above a zillion times and you will know what it means to be in love with God. The only difference here is you do not know whom you are loving since God does not have a face. He just IS!!Strange!


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