ROI Of Love!

Every person who is in love believes there should be a reciprocation of the same.
So when we love our child we feel that our child should return back the same. Should love us back!
In the same way we love our spouses and wish they reciprocate it back.
It never happens the way we believe it should happen.
The child grows up into a handsome young man and goes away to find his own.
In the same way the spouse searches for the one he/she can shower their love on to.
Now you will feel cheated at the above and wonder what is it that lacked in your love?
Don't you think it all started with your expectation and desire to be loved back?
True love never expects any returns or reciprocation of any sort.
When you love someone unconditionally, you can never have any expectations at all.
Unconditional love means that exactly- no conditions for loving someone or something.
Our love is always one sided or biased.
We love our children and relatives more than we love anyone else.
Have you ever shown more love to the neighbors child or some other kid in the street?
The way you love your daughter can you love someone else's daughter?
It never works that way so we are very selfish in our love so how can we say that our love is unconditional or unbiased?
God loves us unconditionally hence he does not ever get biased or shower more on anyone at all.
The reason why we feel that someone else gets more is because we see them having more riches or kids or higher posting in life. But they have got only what they have sown, see?
When you look at anything with colored glasses they appear colored that way. So when we see the world with pink glasses, the world appears pink. The mind is always colored by the hues of the glasses of expectations we wear.
God says when you give me love I return it back a thousand times. Now let us see how that works when we talk of loving God. Someone loves her family, husband, kid, job, parents and home and then has just about 5% time to dwell on Him so multiply it thousand times will give us 5000. Now someone spends time thinking about God 50% of the time- say going to temples, singing bhajans, going for satsangs, doing sewa and the rest of the time working for food and raising a family. Such a person will have credit of 50*1000=50000. Now there is another who dwells on God 100% of the time so would have 100*1000=100000 times the love reciprocation from God. Now anyway you look at it, Gods 1000 has not changed, its only the receivers has changed from 5000 to 50000 to 100000. So the next time you say I hate You 100% and then what would happen to him?
He says-I have to give the same love to every person without discrimination at all.
It has to be 100% same for everyone and yet the experience may differ due to the above formula. The defect lies in your giving alone. So you cannot blame me for giving you less!
If you expect anything in return for your love, you will be miserable and unhappy since true love never expects anything at all. It just gives and gives alone.
But no one in this world can boast of being completely unbiased or unconditional in love.
Love in this creation is as tainted and conditional as any business proposal. It just is another give and take. So stop saying that you love unconditionally. Just accept that you expect and want reciprocation in love. Only Gods love is unbiased, unconditional and has no demands and requirements or qualifications!


Sujatha Sathya said…
i agree. we need reciprocation in love. only god's love is unconditional
nicely written post

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