Destiny Revisited

This question constantly rankles all of us as to how destiny works and what can we do about it.
Let me put it first to you that destiny is like a fixed, bounded and circled tank or jail for you.
There is no escape to anyone even if they are the avatars in this world. all have to bow down to this fixed path called destiny. This is not terminable or avoidable.
The next thing to know is that we do not accept anything at all in our lives without questioning and fighting it ever.
So when we are faced with some situations in life which are very difficult we tend to take the easy way out of it or the least cumbersome. We hope we are not caught with our pants down.
But destiny has a lot of twists in store for us. Here are some examples for you to understand this.
A woman thinks that the one she is married to is her God and their marriage is made in heaven till she faces the worst human on earth. Then can you think it was made in heaven or is it in hell? Similarly another has to see her most beloved child or hubby die in front of her eyes, then is it alright to feel that God has been very harsh or cruel? You are expecting great results in college and then you see yourself failing miserably, so you wonder what happened to excellent results?
A man faces blood pressure or diabetes when he never had any case history in his family.
A young girl who has fallen in love with someone cannot bear a breakup in her love life.
An autistic child is born to fit and healthy parents, they wonder what bad stuff had they ever done to anyone to deserve this? Another looses a limb due to drinking or diabetes for no rhyme or reason according to him. Some other looses all money in a transaction which was supposed to be completely safe. The business goes bust and they face legal actions.
All the above are actions of destiny and no one can ever circumvent them.
But let us see how we think with our minds in a very petty way.
The divorced woman thinks that she can get a support of her new husband and her life will be better after she remarries, but alas she hasn't understood that she wasn't supposed to remarry the time she divorced earlier. Her little minds thinking has put so many karma's on her path now. We go for so many medical techniques to get kids but having them later puts us through so much of heartburn that we wonder why did I ever want such a devil of a son or daughter! You ask for reassessment at the university and see your marks come down further then you wonder what good it do to you. You may get good marks but your year got wasted too.
You did all that was needed to get a healthy and beautiful child against all odds and then you got the autistic one, so you rue the day you asked for it. You saw a million prospects and selected the best amongst them but he turned out to be an ogre.
Every time destiny faces us we revolt not knowing that our silly mind is at play and is making a monkey out of us. We never listen to that little voice inside of us which guides us all the time. We smother the voice and tell our mind to come up with alternatives. We listen to our egoistic minds words and suffer later.
Can we not bow down to destiny and let it work its own magic at its own pace?
Let God run our lives and not let this monkey in us dictate terms to us.
See when Krishna told Arjuna to just take his bow and arrow and shoot, he questioned the Lord and asked if that would be sin? The time fixed for the enemies death cannot be changed so the Lord got him killed by some other arrow from someone else but Arjun lost his opportunity then.
Arjuna allowed his little mind override the Lords commands to fall into sin or another unending karma got birth when he refused to do the assigned task.
So let us do what is required when we face destiny without much ado. Who knows God may take us to the most beautiful destination because we followed Him?
So let destiny do its part and let us do ours without questions.
Silencing the mind is called mauna and not keeping silent by the tongue and not speaking to anyone. Sacrifice means to listen to God without questioning and not eating what our little mind serves us as food for thought. That is ekadashi upwaas and not what you think it is.


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