Firmness Of Will

Why are we not able to fulfil our wants most of the time and why can't we wish for the impossible and get it?
Our sankalpa is not so firm as that of God hence we cannot reach it.
Brahma could create this entire universe by the firmness of his imagination but that firmness is never with us hence we cannot achieve it.
The will of Brahman(Supreme Consciousness) is called imagination also. His Will is so firm that universes and any other can be created just to fulfill that will.
We have multiple thoughts in us going on and the firmness can never come to us due to the multiplicity of our thoughts. Let us say when we think of getting the 1st rank, we are also thinking that if I come second what will happen or 3rd? What will be the subjects that I can take when I come 1st,2nd or 3rd or whatever? Do you see how we have dissipated our own will? We cannot be firm and hold on to that single thought hence we cannot work miracles in our lives.
To have no thought or nirvikalpa state is next to impossible for any normal human being. You may say that I do my meditation and go in a thoughtless state but do you really? Can you stay without any thought any moment ever?
The universe will work magic only if we have firmness of thought and there are other methods to achieve that too. Here are those methods.
Magic incantations which can be done by only the highest adepts.
Magic stones or as we call it Parasmani. That can never be with us.
Magic potions and herbs. I am sure you can see the power of cannabis, etc.
Lastly by the grace of God and Guru can we achieve the impossible.
Now all of the above sounds so hocus-pocus to anyone who is reading it.
I agree with you since you will only see what you have eyes for.
By saying that there is no universe outside the well is wrong since you are only a frog who lives in that well and have no eyes or mind to see this wonderful universe outside your ken.
Arjuna could only see the Viraat Swarup by His grace only.
And Krsna is not granting His grace to one and all since we are not patra to it.
To be a recipient of that grace we should have the graciousness to accept Him.
When you are going to meet the Lord, you are going with only a small vessel to get His gift. He is like an ocean and here you are carrying a small cup or just your two hands!What can you carry away when you do not even have that imagination to receive His grace?
So just pray that you too some day shall get His grace in a large measure and you are capable enough to handle it.


Anonymous said…
So if I want something I should have singleminded devotion towards it and nothing else in mind, isn't it? But sometimes even I f we try hard we are not able to get what we want.
Is it wrong to have wants?
Secondly sometimes we may want something but timing may be wrong., Like I may want to devote myself to public service or in god's service, but family responsibilites may not permit me. Then how to proceed
Unknown said…
@bbsearchingself-Everyone has wants.But only those whose sankalpa is clear with a single pointed thought(vikalpa) will get to it.But that will attract the karma also. The ones which are without vikalpa(thought construct) shall have full accomplishment.I know this sounds very deep but this will never attract karmic loops.Family responsibilities and other such needs have nothing to do with loving God. Public service attracts good karma and that too shall keep you in the karmic loop. What good you do to someone has to be paid back to you also.

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