Enough Time in hand to ruin our lives!!

I read an article by my friend Rajesh on time so I thought I will share my thoughts on it.
The human being has so much time in hand that he can spend it for his 84 million lives and still achieve nothing.
He will still be born again and again in different wombs and still not make any efforts towards cutting this cycle of rebirths.
Some of my Christian friends and others do not believe in the theory of rebirths so I will just give a small idea about it.
Everything gets recycled in this universe so why not our lives? The nature also does recycle so let us hypothetically accept that we are recycled in time and lives!
The Hindu philosophy believes in 84 million lives and we rise or go down in the order of evolution of species according to our past karmas and tendencies!
The greatest trauma is experienced by the child when it is born.
Think how would you like to be suspended in such a small space and kept upside down dunked in a slimy liquid for 9 months??That is what the human baby has to endure and then it comes out it has to squeeze through. For a woman it is such a tough task to remove her bangles so think about a baby!!
This way we come and go for over 84 million lives and never bother to get out of this cycle of rebirths.
The ancient texts teach us about terminating this cycle faster.
So let me enlighten you on the hows!
The goal is called reaching 'Self Realization'!
When a person is Self Realized he reaches a point of NO Return!
The Self Realized person does not go through the cycle or rebirths after getting to realization.
There are various paths to get to realization.
The paths are Bhakti,Karma,Raja,Tantra and so on.
You need a Guru to reach the ultimate goal in life and never come back again!
The Guru finds you and not the other way round(You do not find Him)!
Sadly even the Gods and other types also have to take birth in a human womb to reach liberation.
It is important to make use of this life as a human to get there.
Who knows what you will be born next time as?
If born in another womb like a snake or bird or a tree, you can never reach that state.
So make use of this time in contemplating what I have said here otherwise just know you have about fewer than 84 million lives to think about it and suffer births and lives the way we do now!
If you think this has affected your thinking then write to me so that I can reply to you.


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