Which Path Is Suitable Today?
Which path in spiritual is the right one? This question was asked by one of my disciples in the satsang. Let us see which path can be more suitable here and now. The discussion always starts with Dnyana or Knowledge path. The idea is to dissect God in many ways so as to know Him. Making a mincemeat of God, you can hardly find the truth about Him. You will only find the bits and pieces about Him. Mansur Al Hallaj himself was cut to pieces for saying Anal Haq! Its extremely difficult in today's day and age to know God with all our limitations. Ego rears its ugly head even at the sign of little knowledge. Then we can take up the path of Karma yoga. To live in this world dedicating all actions to God seems extremely tough and then not bothering about targets, achievements and results. You do all your actions for some purpose and you always expect results. Even when you write your examinations or go to hospital for blood or other reports. Your life is constantly logged into dai...