The Predictions!
In Brahma Vaivarta Purana there are the following verses.
"Marriage purified by sacred mantras will no longer exist. There will be no
truthfulness and no forgiveness. Men will associate with women only for sex."
"No woman will be chaste. In home after home the wife will be unchaste, always
running after men. The wife will treat her husband like her servant. She will
always rebuke him and make him tremble in fear."
"Everyone will do as they please. Devoted only to belly and genitals, they will be
greedy, degraded, tormented by diseases, and dressed in rags."
When I read the above lines I knew that the yuga must have come about.
Today we write about love marriages and arranged marriages and then we insist on divorces and separations. With which yardstick can we measure good happy marriage today?
There is no truthfulness in marriages or even in relationships. Every human fakes in that institution.
When we see old married couples and ask them to be truthful about their relationships we can unearth a mound of skeletons. They are living together only because they have no options. The reasons can be genuine like insurance, legacy, old age, grand-children, society, inertia or lethargy, no libido, diseases, convenience and so on. I ask anyone to tell me if they have actually seen a great marriage today. It is libidinous and full of treachery. Deceit plays an important role. The husband covers up his wives defects and vice verse. Sometimes they say it is for their children.
I remember one case where the wife told her husband about her torrid affair and how she aborted her kid just when that dude ditched her to marry this guinea pig of a husband! I am sure his ego must have had the biggest rupture.
Today the marriages are absolutely short lived and the two abandon the relationship as soon as it takes off. The main reason for marriage today is to fulfil the fire in the genitals and belly. That brings me to another reason for marriage. The man cooks meals today. I am sure you know how difficult it is to find cooks nowadays! Anyway there are other means where the woman settles for ready to eat meals or decides more often to have meals outside.
Rebuking a person and making that person feel like shit is the way of the world. Be it a woman or a man. Both are equally competent to do that.
Talking about diseases, have you noticed there are diseases we had never heard about before?
There are diseases from AAA to ZBLS.
Every second person seems to have a back problem, RA, PCOS, and the like.
Now you tell me if these predictions in the above text are true or not.
I am sure the rest of them will also come true very soon.
God bless his own creation which seems like hurtling faster and faster into the abyss of kal yuga!
"Marriage purified by sacred mantras will no longer exist. There will be no
truthfulness and no forgiveness. Men will associate with women only for sex."
"No woman will be chaste. In home after home the wife will be unchaste, always
running after men. The wife will treat her husband like her servant. She will
always rebuke him and make him tremble in fear."
"Everyone will do as they please. Devoted only to belly and genitals, they will be
greedy, degraded, tormented by diseases, and dressed in rags."
When I read the above lines I knew that the yuga must have come about.
Today we write about love marriages and arranged marriages and then we insist on divorces and separations. With which yardstick can we measure good happy marriage today?
There is no truthfulness in marriages or even in relationships. Every human fakes in that institution.
When we see old married couples and ask them to be truthful about their relationships we can unearth a mound of skeletons. They are living together only because they have no options. The reasons can be genuine like insurance, legacy, old age, grand-children, society, inertia or lethargy, no libido, diseases, convenience and so on. I ask anyone to tell me if they have actually seen a great marriage today. It is libidinous and full of treachery. Deceit plays an important role. The husband covers up his wives defects and vice verse. Sometimes they say it is for their children.
I remember one case where the wife told her husband about her torrid affair and how she aborted her kid just when that dude ditched her to marry this guinea pig of a husband! I am sure his ego must have had the biggest rupture.
Today the marriages are absolutely short lived and the two abandon the relationship as soon as it takes off. The main reason for marriage today is to fulfil the fire in the genitals and belly. That brings me to another reason for marriage. The man cooks meals today. I am sure you know how difficult it is to find cooks nowadays! Anyway there are other means where the woman settles for ready to eat meals or decides more often to have meals outside.
Rebuking a person and making that person feel like shit is the way of the world. Be it a woman or a man. Both are equally competent to do that.
Talking about diseases, have you noticed there are diseases we had never heard about before?
There are diseases from AAA to ZBLS.
Every second person seems to have a back problem, RA, PCOS, and the like.
Now you tell me if these predictions in the above text are true or not.
I am sure the rest of them will also come true very soon.
God bless his own creation which seems like hurtling faster and faster into the abyss of kal yuga!
on other hand what is written in scriptures and all is right too, the times when it was written people were good ..
The scriptures have to be considered as right.The first premise of spiritual is to have firm belief in the scriptures and the Guru.