Borobudur & Jogjakarta.
- The place to visit would be Borobudur and Jogjakarta in Indonesia. Here are some images which I captured. Have a look..... The small images are of the Shiv Linga with the Linga missing. The next image is of Vishnu and Nandi with the ears broken away. The photo below are of the temple of Prambanan at Jogjakarta with images of Vishnu and Brahma. Also seen are the ruins of smaller temples around the same Prambanan temple. The time to visit would be late in the year since it is very hot there during summer being close to equator. The most important thing to do is to see the morning sunrise over Borobudur. There are excellent hotels catering to all kinds of tourists. Visa is available on arrival.
- I hope I was able to convey a few things that would make you go there. Try meditating atop Borobudur as early as 4.30am. Its real heaven.