Upgrade In 2012
I wanted to write a post on what I would like my friends and the rest to do in 2012. Those who are my dearest friends and disciples upgrade your connection into a one of love from deepest friendship. The ones who are only distant friends should upgrade to deeper friendship and if need be fall in love also. Here falling in love means expressing deeper bonds of love for humankind and not any other, like lustful type. LOL! Those who know me slightly should express their willingness to become my friend and keep on being a good friend. Maybe we could meet and express our friendship with each other, rather than just saying a hi and bye on facebook or other such sites. It sounds too impersonal and distant on such networking sites. Now for those who do not know me and still would like to be my friend I would suggest you to first acquaint yourself with my known data which can be culled from various locations and then send a mail or sms or a snail mail and then let us carry on from there towards...