
Showing posts from November, 2011

Radha's Love.

In the various texts mentioning Radha, the consort of Shri Krishna it is said that she never could get Krishna and be with Him after He left for Mathura. I was asked if it was true and how was she able to cope up with this separation! Here I shall tell you how she could do what she only was capable of doing. To establish the highest form of love and yet never get tainted with any other form of mundane act. Even though being a married lady she never could give her heart to another except to Krishna! The parting of Krishna was terribly upsetting for all the Gopi's. They implored Akrura not to be so hard hearted and take away their beloved to Mathura from Brindavan. Radha was inconsolable and could never get over this trauma ever in her life. She wandered about in the grooves all by herself, lost in every tree, flowers, leaves, swings, festoons, creepers, still waters, the various kundas where they met. Every place smelt of His presence, every branch dangled in anticipation of the han...

Krishna's Promises.

The way in which the world construes that Krishna tells lies to His devotees makes Him out into a liar and cheat. The Gopi's have themselves called Him a cheat and liar many a times but that happens because no one has the complete picture anytime. They only see a facet and make immediate judgements on Him. Here I am going to tell you how He goes out of the way to keep the promises He makes to His beloved devotees. Right from the first yuga when he gave the promise of teaching Devahuti the knowledge of Brahman, He took birth through her as a son and taught her the knowledge of Brahman. He promised the two dwarpals of His that after taking birth in the various yugas, He will come to destroy them and absorb them. He did it to hiranyakashyap and hiranyaksha. Then later to Ravan and Kamsa as well. As Rama , He met the ten thousand Rishis from His kingdom(Goloka Vrindavana) performing yagnyas and there He promised them that they will appear with Him in His next birth too. They appeared ...

God's Tests!

I know everyone of us feels that God tests the limits of our patience and the level we can withstand the afflictions and troubles that He has put in our path. A point comes in our lives when we feel that this is it! No more and if there is any more we shall break. How many times have we said to ourselves that I am unable to bear this and can the good Lord just take me away from this life. Can I run away somewhere or someplace? Can You take these problems away and give me answers? Can I have my little piece of heaven on this planet and some solace in my world? Just a little of that which every other person enjoys but I cannot since my problems never seem to end ever. Why have You given me this life full of trials and tribulations and no sense of joy or fulfillment in it? Now so many words to describe it and yet they are insufficient in every which way to describe what you go through. I am sure almost all of you will agree to this ultimate truth. Let me take you through the paces from Go...

The World Isn't Enough!

We come across so many people in our lives who want more than they can handle. Take the case of a star of yesteryear's who does television, advertisements, movies, shows and so much more that you really wonder what drives the man? Is it the drive to make more money, more fame, more adulation or is it that to get out of the Rajasic state is impossible for him? Then there are the doddering fools who want to keep their posts for such a long time that the newer and younger generation never get a chance at all. What drives these fools in doing so much with their lives? They have reached a stage when giving up is far more important yet they continue to be so much active in their lives working hard towards some goal which is completely useless. Take the case of this great industrialist who worked so hard to make a very big conglomerate that today his children have broken it to pieces and hiving them off after his death. So what happens to all that you made in your fast paced life? You mig...