Radha's Love.
In the various texts mentioning Radha, the consort of Shri Krishna it is said that she never could get Krishna and be with Him after He left for Mathura. I was asked if it was true and how was she able to cope up with this separation! Here I shall tell you how she could do what she only was capable of doing. To establish the highest form of love and yet never get tainted with any other form of mundane act. Even though being a married lady she never could give her heart to another except to Krishna! The parting of Krishna was terribly upsetting for all the Gopi's. They implored Akrura not to be so hard hearted and take away their beloved to Mathura from Brindavan. Radha was inconsolable and could never get over this trauma ever in her life. She wandered about in the grooves all by herself, lost in every tree, flowers, leaves, swings, festoons, creepers, still waters, the various kundas where they met. Every place smelt of His presence, every branch dangled in anticipation of the han...