Krishna's Maya

You asked me what is the meaning of Krishna's maya and whether this maya exists or not or do we exist or not?
Let me first of all tell you that Krishna means the Supreme Consciousness which can never be understood or measured by anyone. There is no way of understanding this in the form of words or mere expressions.
What we are able to experience is called His maya alone.
That which we experience is all in this manifest world whereas what we are talking about is even the unmanifest. How can one experience the unmanifest? There are no ways or methods in the manifest world that can tell us how to experience this unmanifest. So the difficulty that we understand here is how do we know that which is the unmanifest.
Krishna in turn has to manifest himself so that you can know and understand just a minuscule of His potency. So for Him to take a Form is very important for us humans to know something about Him.
Since everything is encompassed in His unmanifest can there be anything other than Him alone? So when He takes a form, everything that we experience is Him alone. Even you!
But to know and understand who this "you" are is extremely difficult.
What you see about your true self is the body alone so how do you know who You are?
Even the simplest of expression called "mind" can never be pointed out within us!
Most of the people will point at the head as the mind but do you really think the mind exists in the skull or the brain? The word for mind in Hindi is Maan(mun) and where would you point it out? Near the chest! Now can you see the ambiguity here. So even the manifest is just unreal since if you were asked where is Suresh or Geetha? You will point out your phyiscal form alone and even if you cut yourself into bits yet you will never find the true You inside of this body.
In the same way if I were to break down an idol of God or melt it I may not be able to "see" this God in that object.
Can you understand the futility of it all? Searching for God in manifest or the unmanifest is next to impossible for a normal human being.
In spiritual when we experience the spiritual ecstasy we know that we have experienced God.
The only form of expresssion on our physical form is horripilations on our body, incessant tears for no rhyme or reason and some such methods. But can you express this in any other way?
Krishna's maya is everything to do with the manifest world and our experiences in it.
All that we see or understand about Him is His maya alone.
Hardly anyone can know the real Krishna and those who know can never express themselves in any form.


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