The Whys Of True Love!
Now someone asked me what am I to do since I am in love and this love of ours is going nowhere!
The answer lies in the fact that you two have been brought together by destiny and you have just enacted your part so why bother at this moment why he came in my life and so on. If God had not wanted you to meet him and fall in love why do you think you two would have met?
The constant urge to check for some missive or email and the drive to constantly find out what the s/o is up to surely tells you that this love still exists.
Only the ones who truly love each other have to face the hands of destiny in a very stern way then only the story takes a sweet meaning.
The constant need to meet or see the person drives you two crazy all the time.
Even before the due date the constant nagging inside the head tells you how soon you are going to meet or see the man of your dreams.
But then this opportunity hardly comes and when it does you do not have the hearts content of being with that person constantly. This drives both of you wild and makes for a further commitment and the uncertainty further drives the two closer together.
This is called Viraha or separation and this creates a stronger bond of togetherness.
Now when the love is driven more by lust and common needs, then this love does not sustain at all. Unconditional love is a very uncommon thing. Hardly anyone in this world has unconditional love. The love gets tarnished by lust and greed. He goes with this one or that one. She has parties and goes out weekends with her 'friends'- will drive you nuts with jealousy and anger.
In unconditional love the lovers do not care for physical intimacy as much or constant company.
They exists in each others minds alone and create a very deep impact on each others behavior.
The smallest of the reminders will drive you two mad and the yearning grows further.
Both of you may live life like any other human being but the only difference is the two of you do not leave each others mind ,being, soul or consciousness alone.
So my dear friend if this is the type of love you have then you are not the decider at all whether to continue or just give up and move on. Destiny and God are the true controllers of your lives. You are just enacting a part and do not waste you time trying to find out the whys and the wherefores of this stuff called love! Be in the moment and enjoy the pain and the sweetness of this relationship of yours!
And hey, if God wanted you two to meet and then get married or whatever and make your relationship as mundane as a married one then he would have done that. Then it would be all about lust, greed, wants, needs, demands, cares, bank balances, houses, kids, old age and every other bull-crap that a normal couple goes through. So if you want this then you are not in unconditional love at all. Then just dump the poor guy and be happy! That is not called love at all. Its just scratching each others back or a business deal. Then there will be a give and take and you are in just another lousy relationship. Hope you get that.