The Driver & The Driven

Krishna drove Arjuna in the battle field of Kurukshetra and we know the rest as they say is history. Though He drives us all our lives but we really think we do the driving. Have you noticed how kids think they drive the car or train when they sit in their seats. They play drive making the funny sounds with their mouth thinking that they will now stop or start. Its fun play acting but as we live our life we do the same thinking that we are the driver ourselves whereas we are being driven constantly. He makes us believe we have the steering wheel in our hands!
The journey is not to our liking since we are constantly evaluating the progress. It happens exactly in reverse then what we have visualized. If we thought that we will have a happy marriage, we end up being the most miserable married people. Just think what we end up saying then- I tried my level best and yet this marriage is a failure. I gave it all that I have and was the best person. I really worked hard and yet.....!
In the same way we are awaiting our results and hope that we will get the highest marks and then the inevitable happens and we wonder why this were to be? I wrote my papers so nicely and yet....!
Did you notice how our little ego has played up?
Every sentence is punctuated by that single word-I!
So you think you are the one who is responsible for everything that happens?
Now why does He do that? You may ask.
If you want a smooth journey then you are sadly mistaken.
Arjuna had to do the most difficult things when Krishna drove his chariot.
He never got it easy. He had to kill his ego first and then bow down to destiny.
He had to do it dispassionately and then killing all his relatives and friends with detachment knowing fully well that everything is unreal.
When he understood that this is nothing but a play of Maya of the Lord, he practiced discrimination. This is the highest learning for him.
To know the real from the unreal. That is discrimination.
Do you think that this is a Gulfstream ride or a smooth sail?
You are not being served like a dignitary but you better gear up for the worst.
Teachings happen only when you go through pain. They say without pain there is no gain! Even when you have to deliver a baby, there is joy only in the end when we hold the baby in hand but before that there is pain.
Happy marriage is hard to achieve. You have to work your ass off before you see some little happiness and knowledge comes after the toughest experience. So you first get ready for the toughest battle like the kurukshetra and then know that your ride is going to be a ride of a lifetime full of surprises and learnings.
Krishna is the toughest teacher anyone can get and His Maya is the worst deluder!
Don't think you will get a smooth ride.
Anything coming easy is not full of learning. But the learning is the greatest.
Your journey is full of pain and sufferings and yet it is the sweetest one since we have our beloved Krishna driving our chariot.
He never leaves your side and yet makes you feel He does nothing at all and you are the doer! That's His illusion!
So just let go of your ego and face the ride.
And if you feel He is too tough on are free to get off! Maybe you can find some other driver! Just remember the other drivers are only chauffeurs and not teachers! He is the highest teacher you can ever get! So don't try to get off just because the ride is tough! Carry on the journey since He is the only One who knows the destination called SELF! Ask for His grace and be happy He is your sarathi!


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