Need A True Friend
We come across situations in life when we crave for a true friend who can be with us at all times.We have our near and dear ones with us but you must know that they are very biased in their views when an opinion is asked for. They will tell you stuff which you would like to hear.Most of them are afraid of voicing their opinions for fear of offending you or making you angry.
Have you noticed most of the husbands and wives after a few years in marriage tend to just let it be and are not giving you productive analysis of any situation but are more pandering to your ego.Ask them to be more brutal and honest and they will tend to become more evasive in their answers.By any chance if they give a honest reply,you will not like it and will tend to sulk or give them a piece of your mind telling them to keep their bullshit to themselves.But you had asked for it,then why do you not accept the statement at its face value?
That is because we have grown our own niche and have got attuned to the life around us.We do not want a change or criticism of any sort about our own attitude in life.
We grow into a tough opinionated people who do not care for others but are selfish and self centered.We do not want to give anyone a chance to change us.
It happened to me too.Everyone around me was willing to give a watered down version of their true opinion since they loved me a lot or cared for me. They thought that if they said anything different I would get offended and that would happen surely.Knowing the temper they would rather stay away from controversies and fights.
I thought about it for a long time and then arrived at a conclusion that we do not need a relative or a lover to tell us about ourselves, but we require a true friend who cares for us and is honest enough to give us a low down of what we truly are.
He or she needs to be knowing us inside out and been with us for many years to know our idiosyncrasies and temper tantrums. They need to be brutally honest where it need be and soft and malleable where it is required.We need to give them the rope to hang us or tie us up or just let us be ourselves as required. This should not be at the cost of loosing a dear friend when ego strikes us down.
So we all need a true friend who can be with us thick and thin, who can be our guide,guardian,buddy and a lifelong support system so that we can become a well rounded person.Now we can be more responsive to our own needs and the worlds true colors can also be seen without a bias. Can I ask for one such in my life?