
Showing posts from December, 2018

He’s Got This

Teachings | Susan Yankoski KrsnaGuruji teaches it is God’s Will, not mine that moves this life. There have been a few times in my life, whereby, I felt completely abandoned and alone. In those times, it seemed I would perish. And then, there were those times when I felt so completely consumed by those around me, that again, it seemed I would perish. It has only been in these recent years, when becoming aware of the Divine Spirit, that I have felt secure. Security oddly comes from knowing that nothing, here, is within my control. Destiny is written, the job for which I am here will be done. “Thy Will be done.” One might have a starring role or may just be a prop, but all that exists has a purpose. This life may be just a stepping stone. The part one p

Freedom & Bondage In Love

Teachings | KrsnaKnows Love which keeps you bound is the type between parents and children, husband and wife, two friends or lovers. Love comes under strain when the child becomes an adult and seeks a spouse, when the wife or husband wants to follow their own calling, when another new friend enters the scene and when the lovers families enter when they decide to marry respectively. This kind of love is no love at all but only bondage and possession. God’s love is completely free and liberating. He never demands you to be always in love. You are free to walk out or come back in anytime. There are no expectations or desires from His side. He doesn’t mind even if you don’t acknowledge Him. He nurtures and takes care of you even when you abuse and deride Him. Only God can offer you true love which no one else can! Know More>>

How to Make Time for God?

Susan's Corner | Susan Yankoski KrsnaGuru ji teaches to take time to express devotion to God, without expectation of returns. Worldly life is upon us all the time.  Unless you are blessed to be staying in an ashram or are a renunciate, the stress of daily life presses on. Going to work, earning money, taking care of family and friends, house and home, it’s like this for most of us. So where is the time to think of God? When a loved one is ill or there is a particularly important event pending, we may ask God for help, but asking favors is not devotion. Since returning from India, my life has been a bit unsettled and way too busy. The feeling that I can not find time for God to spend in devotion crept into my mind. But my teacher has always illumined

You Are What You Think You Are!

Teachings | KrsnaKnows The story of a lion cub found by sheep, grows up thinking he is a sheep, bleating and grazing like his foster parents. One day a passing lion takes this misguided one to a pond to show him the truth. The bleat then turns to a roar! In life if you are bullied often, you tend to believe you are always the underdog! Stop this belief of yours which makes you think, you are the mask that you wear. Look inside and know you are that lion who does not have to bleat and eat grass. Stop giving yourself negatives and degrading yourself in your own eyes. You are that eternal divine being who wears various masks and greasepaints’ to enact the various roles of child, parent, sibling, student, employee or employer, etc. Get out of that false belief and look inside to who you really are. Roar on! Image Credit  pixabay Know More

A Simple Life

Susan's Corner | Susan Yankoski KrsnaGuruji teaches the root of most material world problems are unfulfilled desires. Contentment can be found in a simple life. Most of us struggle and work hard for money to provide a comfortable life for our family and ourselves. As we reach one level of comfort, we have already started... Know More>>

Freedom & Bondage for the Spiritual

Teachings | KrsnaKnows The high point in everyone's life is different and changes with time. For some its graduation day, for others its marriage day, or when their first child is born, the day they leave for their dream destination, someone's death, freedom from tyranny or just death! For the spiritual its the day... Know More>>

Bhakti: Love and Devotion

Susan's Corner | Susan Yankoski Seeking something Greater, has led me to the other side of the earth, but that something has not become visible to me. Maybe I am not meant to peer behind the curtain. Perhaps, it will take more than this lifetime to know.  Would it be easier to slip back into the old life? There is... Know More>>

Be a Yogi

Teachings | KrsnaKnows Everyone has some cause to fight for in this life. Its either the family, some affliction, deprived people or communities and the ecosystems at large! Whatever the cause, there is always someone to shield it or fight for it. Religion fights for and against other Gods! Everyone says they want... Know More>>

Canto 12 Chapter 03 V01 – Bhumi Gita – Srimad Bhagavatam Exposition

Srimad Bhagavatam/Bhagavata Purana Exposition | KrsnaKnows Srimad Bhagavatam is a mahapurana. The Srimad Bhagavatam or Bhagavata is one of the great Puranas of Hinduism. Which describes the glories of Lord Krishna(Krsna). The stories of Krsna promises the Devotion(bhakti) towards to Lord Krsna. The... Know More>>