Change Now
Procrastination had seeped into our life at a very early age, when we kept on postponing getting up early for school. Our parents finally had to kick us out of bed to attend our school in time. Delaying things out of sheer inertia ruled our lives, thereafter.
How can we get it all back now?
We have to practice to change.
Make a very great effort to change.
Keep some carrots at the end to make the necessary changes.
Include some stick methods if you cannot keep to your promises.
Ask one of your friends or partners to keep a check on you.
Keep a journal to check on your improvements.
Stop giving atrocious reasons for non performances and bad results.
Keep healthy ideals and good examples in front of you.
Motivate yourself before the event to keep spirits high.
Don't indulge in excesses but do things in moderation.
Do not allow yourself any kind of concessions.
Expect from yourself what you expect from others.
Be good and truthful to yourself.
Stop resting on your laurels.
Don't expect any trophies.
Have faith in your abilities.
Do not listen to reason your mind offers in lieu of relaxation.
Don't give up even if you fail a number of times.
Keep on at it. Mark goals in your journey and raise your bars always.
Do not stop to celebrate your small wins.
Go for the big victories. Lastly, keep going to your next goal and destination. Never stop.
Image Credit: Pixabay