You Are Dispensable.
You are dispensable.
We all believe the world will come to a standstill or end if we are not there to solve its issues. The world of chaos is what you go back to once you are back from your journey. You have focused in your world so much that now when you have to refocus again on your mundane existence, everything seems to be out of place.
There is discipline or conformity where you work. You kept your stuff which may be utility, utensils or office stationary, perfectly in an ideal place and you went on an holiday or some official tour. You returned after a period of two to three weeks and find that the whole scheme of things are disturbed. You do not seem to find the simplest of the stuff. You always kept it in one particular place and now that doesn't exist. Ever little thing seems to be out of place. You are not able to find your stuff anywhere. So what do you do?
You are angry and frustrated. You wonder which idiot was disturbing your stuff which was in a perfect place holder. Someone has rifled through your holy stuff and taken it away or otherwise kept it very irresponsibly. You would like to throttle that persons throat.
But why are you angry in the first place? You know things are always going to go haywire once you are away. You know it so well that you dread going on holidays. You know the replacement employee or the one who is standing in for you is the most incapable person who cannot be trusted to do your job. Your job is superbly done only by you so how will they be able to handle it, you wonder!
But you have to go. Someday you too need it, so you are extremely afraid the whole world may collapse at your work place or home. Isn't it the same feeling of- what would happen to his near and dear ones, if he were to die suddenly? You are fearful of the consequences and the aftermath.
But you have seen it amongst humans that none is indispensable. If the man of the house goes away, the house gets disturbed for a few days but people gather their bearings and bring their life back on the track. That is the law of survival. We are all survivors. Life goes on so why worry what happens after death, divorce, holiday, going away or separation? There may be trouble for a short period of time only. Later everything straightens out.
But if you were to return back, then the coping up is deathly. Everyone has issues to handle.
You too get into a tizzy and flare up in anger and frustration.
Do you realize what actually happened when you just left? You thought you had covered up all bases and informed all about your work but no one has heard you.
It's like telling your husband where you normally keep the important papers and he nods his head. He tells you that he is not a fool and has seen where you kept the stuff. But just when he needs it desperately, he doesn't remember where they are. He blames you for not showing them or keeping them in a handy place. So he finds them and then leaves them in a place which is easier for him to locate. This is exactly what happens to every individual.
Know that everyone seeks their own convenience and ease. So the things got kept in a place other than your own.
No one is to blame. Everyone operates from their individualistic point of view. We all seek the so called perfection but everyone's yard stick differs. So don't go about calling the other an idiot. You too are a bigger idiot than them. You were looking at your convenience and they theirs. So be considerate and don't ever consider yourself indispensable.
We are all here on this planet for a few days so learn to use everything properly and stop taking credit or owning stuff. Nothing is yours to own so don't go about taking ownership of goodness only. You are also equally bad or good. Stop possessing stuff and people.
Know that you are just a traveller in that world of yours. It could be your house, family, office, work place or the universe too. So use the stuff that is needed and don't own it. It could be your near and dear one too. They too are just fellow passengers. Be good to them and don't start owning them or the space.
Now go on a holiday or tour and stop worrying about loosing your space or place. Everyone is dispensable.