Geniuses And Normal Kind!

There are geniuses and then there are normal kinds! There are people in this world who cannot calculate even the simplest equation. There are others who cannot answer a simple question too. But they can solve the toughest problems instantly. 
These are very highly evolved people who have educated themselves so much or written great stuff and yet for them to solve a simple puzzle becomes difficult. Has the brain or mind advanced so much that they cannot comprehend a silly issue? 
Sometimes it is tough to answer even things like their own address or name. They might have to ask another who they are or where they stay. 
Sometimes geniuses are like that. They live in a world which is far above the mundane and cannot answer the most trivial issue. 
The senses do not function for such people at ground levels. They all live in a nether world far above like the eagles nest. They can never observe below their noses. Calculating difficult stuff in their minds, they are not used to live life simply. 
So what do you do with such type of people? Then there are autistic people out there who have such great knacks but for them to do some mundane task becomes too difficult. They can solve the most complicated problem in seconds but give them simple issues and they are foxed. Not knowing where to turn to they turn inwards and cover up or silence themselves. They keep more to themselves oftener than most worldly people. They do not mix around at all. So there are the geniuses and then there are the other kinds. Autism or any other deformity may not necessarily mean lesser brain power. It only means that they are born or become that way. We just need to know them well.  
There are sages like Astavakra who were ugly looking, bent and obnoxious people but they were endowed with the highest of the spiritual knowledge. They could expound on stuff which can never be understood by simple or ignorant people. So then we so called normal people cannot judge them with our yardstick. Our yardstick is applicable for only this worldly ones and not for the geniuses. 
So we should not make any judgements on such kind of people. We have to let them be. They cannot sometimes talk to us in our own ways. So we should allow them to express in their own way. We can offer them love alone. Please do not shower sympathy or pity on them since they cannot tolerate it. 
In conclusion I can say God has made them that way for some reason which we cannot comprehend. Let us give them their own place in society. Just let them be. 


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