Hand To Mouth!

What does it mean to have a hand to mouth existence? You know it very well, since it's the phrase which tells you about how poor you are. It also shows you how much you are valued in this world. 
Food on the table is a luxury for the poor. The daily needs are never met fully, except for some plain food stuffs. That would mean a solid grain and some watery gruel. Some call it sambhar and rice or roti and curry. Still considering the costs are you? Let me tell you both together would come for anywhere between twenty to fifteen bucks. My travel would be free almost every time since I don't have the luxury of buying tickets. Some days when I have money, I refuse to spend on public transport. I travel about twelve to fifteen miles a day so that I can use that money. The hovel I live in costs about a thousand bucks. I sometimes pay up and at other times I just disappear from that place for a few days. 
My clothes are used ones. I normally pick them up once in a few months from the used clothes road side vendor. They cost me about a few hundreds. Maybe two. 
I have a worn out jacket which I always wear. See, I don't know where I will be shacking up that day so I better be ready. 
No, I don't ever ask for money. Some friends treat me in a good way since they ask me to join for a meal. I don't have a job, because I can't keep it. You should have good wearable clothes, a steady place to sleep, good shoes to wear and return to work daily. How can I do that, you tell me! I have to keep on moving monthly somewhere. I am not able to hold jobs, not because I can't work hard but I don't have anything steady stuff anywhere. 
I once tried getting a job in a restaurant. I slept on the tables every night. Somedays, I had to sleep with that cook. Life isn't as easy as it looks. 
Sex is a luxury you rich people enjoy, not me. I have to get what is available and wherever. Do you think I have choices or steady relationships? No way. The whole world is a big circus. Everyone is sick or tired of life. 
I get to drink sometimes. Some folks offer it to me. I have made it a point not to blow my money on that. If it comes free, I take it. 
I have all kinds of ideas about banks, insurance and my biggest issue is I don't have an identity card. Now how can I get any of these things? 
Forget that, I need to be present at the local station every month for a ritual. Don't ask me what they do there. It's just another way of paying back to the society for free living. Got that? They take their rents from us poor folks. 
Sleep is a luxury for us. We don't have any fixed time or place. You will find me awake at odd hours. 
Bath is once every few days. Don't you ask me how! Sometimes it's public places and other times I just wash up. 
Still if you ask me how much do I spend in the entire month. I guess it comes around two k or less I guess. Lots of money, right? 
Now since you asked me I will tell you that life is worth every breath I take. I don't have to bother about all your fancy stuff. Sorry I missed out. I have a cell phone. Now don't ask me how I got that without an ID card! 
There are some secrets that only when you come to my state you will have the privilege of knowing. So I guess this winds up my talk. Do let me know when you publish it. 


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