Is It Important To Believe In God?

Is it important to believe in God or some other phenomenon? No, there is no actual need to believe in God or some greater power! If I can have imaginary creatures like Harry Potter or the Minions, Rapunzel and Darth Vader, then can I not imagine anyone I feel like with supernatural powers? So lets begin with the premise that being an imaginary creature, God can still exist. At least in some wild imagination. 
The idea that something exists without using your mind or senses seems far cry. The idea called sky is very sexy for everyone but does it really exist? It's just an illusion, yet we believe in it. We believe stars are strung or hung in there, so does the sun and moon. But there is nothing like a sky with various hues like orange or blue or even black! There is no sky, only space. 95% of it is so called empty. Likewise the atom, it's empty except for a tiny fraction of it which is filled! Yet we have very good understanding of an atom. We believe something's are solid. But now you know it's empty. 
Now that we have explored two separate things called space and some solids, lets understand that something's exist even in a vacuum. What is it? No one has any idea so someone called it ether. If something which is indistinguishable and yet understood by sensible people, then that invisible thing does exist. Yet we cannot grasp it. So we believe it exists. This belief is only provable after some scientists decipher it or prove irrevocably its existence. 
Now in the same vein, if we were to believe that something exists but cannot be proved till some scientist discovers it, we have to give the benefit of doubt and accept its existence. 
This idea that some stuff like "god" exists is called awareness or consciousness. I am aware that there is something like that but don't have any clue about its existence. It's called consciousness! If we were to call it that and yet not understood by common logic and still it's greater than our ken and understanding, we can call it Supreme. Maybe we can call it magical or special so the idea that it is beyond human powers makes it divine. 
So collating the three words, we can call it Supreme Divine Consciousness. And just like Speilberg or Lucas named his creation R2D2 or 3RPO, we can call it by some name. Or no name if you feel like. Since we cannot explain it anyway. So this God is called, i don't know,  Brahman, Nothing, etc.. 
Btw, if you think I am trying to push some wild card theory down your throat then, sorry, I don't give a damn if you accept it or not. You wanted to read it so far at your own risk and that's not my problem. Take it or leave it. But I still accept all that you say also. If you believe God doesn't exist, so be it! I will still go with you! I am not here to argue with anyone so don't bother to write your views and start some fight.  I just want you as my friend, ok? Hey, whether God exists is a matter of individual opinion and understanding and it really should not make any difference to you or me. We survive! 


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