The Shit Hit The Ceiling!

Organized or disorganized are the ways on which most of the material worldly results rest on! 
I am reminded of a joke from my childhood days. There were no enclosed toilets earlier so people would go for depositing night soil anywhere in the open. This guy used to take a leaking pot which used to empty by the time he finished with his activity. He decides not to waste the water, so he washes his ass first and then does his job! 
It was meant to be funny but it carries deeper meaning. We all behave like this. We are not organized in our world. We carry leaking pots in our lives. Then we end up doing something idiotic too. You cannot blame the pot or the hole in the pot. Remember your mind is full of shit so it cannot organize anything at all. 
Decluttering the mind is extremely important. Get rid of all frivolous thoughts before you begin any activity. Write down all things which you need for making your exercise a success. You can write on a piece of paper or a note in your phone or iPad. It doesn't matter. Just write it. 
Then prioritize the stuff you have written down. Get the order right. Start tackling the issues in a very systematic way. Get individual issues out of the way first. 
Sometimes you need people to help you in reaching your goal. So get the best possible team in place. Give them the jobs that are most suitable for their nature. Then drive them to get it done. 
Set realistic goals and not some haphazard ones which are so lofty that you can never reach. Go by your past records and performances. They will surely point you out your weaknesses and strengths. 
Money plays a very important role in almost all activities in life. Are you organized in that too? The worldly machinery doesn't work if it is not oiled by money so grease it well. Never run short of it so get your figures perfectly. Always keep a backup plan in place. You really cannot guarantee about the world around you. Forget about guaranteeing about your own self!! Remember you are in this shit because you have defaulted. Your errors have caused your failures so be good to yourself and discount all your laziness. Be accountable for it too. 
You need to know your deliverables and dates need to be zoomed into. If you don't know when, how, why, where and what for, you will never go anywhere! So be sure about every little thing. Don't forget the leak in the pot too. 
Get your shit organized properly otherwise it will hit the ceiling. 


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