I Don't Like What You Do!

I was very surprised to see this comment in my inbox yesterday and it was written by one of my dearest friends. He said that he did not like what I do! In spiritual!
So why did I join the spiritual bandwagon and what is it that makes me write such stuff on this topic?
He truly seemed flabbergasted and wanted to know the whys and the wherefores of it!
Spiritual does not happen to a person the way you may get married or pass your school or college.
It is mentioned in the holy texts that urge and desire to know God or Self comes about very rarely.
Every individual knows about God from his own parents or relatives or friends.
His knowledge is as trivial as theirs. None of these are qualified to talk about God.
Since no one has seen or experienced Him, how can anyone talk about Him?
The knowledge that they profess to have is as trivial as their forefathers since neither of them have experienced Him ever.
The knowledge of Self or the longing for liberation happens to someone by the grace of God alone.
Otherwise the only thing that they know is going to place of worship, praying to some vague statue, giving oblations, performing some household rituals and reading some mythology.
Our grandmothers, etc are great at dishing out such colorful stories and since we are gullible we believe in such bull.
Just as the mythical character asked for the moon we never seem to ask anyone questions on the validity of these beautiful myths.
The first step in spiritual is to question everything and try to find out the truth about statements that we have believed in from childhood.
Only the divine can lead us to divine and not otherwise so if you are caught up in that bug of divine knowledge you have crossed the first step.
The next is to find someone who can guide us through the pathway.
The person needs to be the right kind of person and not some fake one.
The friends reaction seemed fair since he had no knowledge about the said bird called spiritual.
Being worldly our knowledge is limited to work, family, worldly education, politics and friends.
Besides that we know God from stories, places of worship and the absolute mundane stuff.
Religion that we know about is like a rule book for roping in the wild, hungry bull.
Religion teaches us the do's and the don'ts of the society living and some rituals which bind us with the so called religious leaders and clergy.
The so called religion is no way pointing to spiritual.
You can be spiritual even if you are atheist or agnostic.
Spiritual is all about knowing the truth about the one we call as God!
It does not make you miraculous or magical.
You do not produce holy ash or some such bullshit from air.
You just get busy with your insides and dwell on the knowledge within.
Now if you have the misconception that this gives you inner peace, happiness and some such stuff you have come to the wrong place.
I am sure you will agree with me that Jesus, Buddha, Krishna and their kin never had peace, happiness and great death!
No way is spiritual talking about some spirit stuff, hocus pocus or outer worldly.
It just makes you silent knowing fully well that there is nothing to cringe or crib about.
It is not about lies or dislikes or no way is it about running away to some far away place also.
You find one who can tell you the truth and you will be surprised to know that you are already spiritual!


magiceye said…
Beautifully explained!
Meoww said…
I guess everyone has to find the spiritual side by themselves... It cannot be taught, forced or coaxed.
Well written!
Unknown said…
Thank you all for dropping by. God bless you all.
Purba said…
I like to believe, that God is an idea that man created to put fear in us.

It is the awareness of self and accepting the ugly with the good with grace that brings us closer to our spiritual self.....
Anonymous said…
There's nothing wrong with peace. The problem is when religion becomes a crutch. Or an excuse.

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