
Showing posts from August, 2011


You have reached your rock bottom and feel that there is nowhere to go. You wonder can there be tomorrow and whether you will be able to face life on even keel. Then there are so many commitments and you have no idea how you are going to fulfil them. There is no hope and all that you have left is fear and trepidation for the morrow. Everything seems so bleak and hazy. Your eyes are searching for answers in the mist. You have no clue how you are going to pay so much and that too so fast. Your mind just throws up all sorts of deathly pale hues around you. Now let us see how you can overcome such dangerous situations. You are clinging to that one hope for some miracle to happen in your life. That one glimmer of light at the end of the tunnel. Is it about God, your own self, some bogeyman or some saint or is it something to do with asking an oracle, a palmist, an astrologer or some such! Do you think these can pull you out of this rut? Think again! Even those trapped in the mine were rescu...

God's Will!

I have often been asked this question about destiny and free will. Here I shall explain about both. We all come with a fixed path and that is called destiny. It is just like the railway line from which the train cannot get off otherwise it will derail. That is called "prarabdha karma"! That means if you are destined to get married or bear a child at a particular moment, that will happen as per our destiny guidelines. Everything that happens at any moment in time is governed by this fixed destiny. We are all born and die due to this kaal chakra or the wheel of fate! There are no exceptions in this path. Even Krishna who was cursed to die had to die at that moment as per the laws of destiny. There is no escaping it and we have to bow down to destiny at all times. We loose jobs, get divorced, there are deaths in the family, we loose all money, do not get selected for the big post, we get to win the lottery, get top rank and there are many such destined things which occur in our ...

Krishna's Maya

You asked me what is the meaning of Krishna's maya and whether this maya exists or not or do we exist or not? Let me first of all tell you that Krishna means the Supreme Consciousness which can never be understood or measured by anyone. There is no way of understanding this in the form of words or mere expressions. What we are able to experience is called His maya alone. That which we experience is all in this manifest world whereas what we are talking about is even the unmanifest. How can one experience the unmanifest? There are no ways or methods in the manifest world that can tell us how to experience this unmanifest. So the difficulty that we understand here is how do we know that which is the unmanifest. Krishna in turn has to manifest himself so that you can know and understand just a minuscule of His potency. So for Him to take a Form is very important for us humans to know something about Him. Since everything is encompassed in His unmanifest can there be anything other tha...

Krishna's Love

We were discussing about how every other God and saint gives what you ask for and how they go out of their way in fulfilling your smallest wish. You go to Shirdi or Tirupati and ask for gifts, boons and release from afflictions and the patron saint or the God in attendance fulfils your deepest desires. But when you ask Krishna you are in for a shock. He never gives you what you asked for but doles out some stuff in very small or minuscule quantity. You ask for 100 and He gives you 5 or less. His ways are very strange and you often wonder when your wish will get completed. Krishna takes away all that you have as well. If you ask for money from Him, He will promptly take away even that little you have. If you ask for peace of mind, he will give you more tensions than you could ask for. He gives darshan to those who curse Him and are not at all friendly towards Him. At such times you wonder if there is truly a God called Krishna. How could someone give more problems when you are asking Hi...