
Showing posts from May, 2011

Story Of Faith

Kumarila Bhatta was a great scholar who joined the Nalanda University so that he could refute the Buddhist doctrines. He knew the Hindu scriptures and could expound on them very well. One day his teacher Dharmakirti made an error in explaning the Hindu scriptures so Kumarila stood against his teacher and corrected him. This in turn turned all the Buddhist students against him. They plotted to throw him from the top of the building. Before they could throw him, they asked him whether his Hindu Vedas could save him from death. Kumarila answered that he thought that they would save him. The students dropped him from top and hoped that he would die but when they reached down they saw him laughing away and unhurt except for a small injury to his eye. They ridiculed him and told him that anyway his Vedas saved him but still gave him that small injury to his eye. He answered that though he had full faith in the Hindu scriptures, he still "thought" that they would save him, whereas w...

The Whys Of True Love!

Now someone asked me what am I to do since I am in love and this love of ours is going nowhere! The answer lies in the fact that you two have been brought together by destiny and you have just enacted your part so why bother at this moment why he came in my life and so on. If God had not wanted you to meet him and fall in love why do you think you two would have met? The constant urge to check for some missive or email and the drive to constantly find out what the s/o is up to surely tells you that this love still exists. Only the ones who truly love each other have to face the hands of destiny in a very stern way then only the story takes a sweet meaning. The constant need to meet or see the person drives you two crazy all the time. Even before the due date the constant nagging inside the head tells you how soon you are going to meet or see the man of your dreams. But then this opportunity hardly comes and when it does you do not have the hearts content of being with that person const...

Free Will

There is a beautiful animated film called "Finding Nemo" in which a small fish wants to travel the ocean in search of his father. He is in a fish tank and he has to escape through that amidst various perils and how he finally makes it to meet his father is the essence of the film. This film is used here to explain the meaning of the post "Free Will." The fish tank can be considered as our destiny wherein we are confined to in this life of ours. We live in this fish tank not knowing that there is freedom outside. The whole wide world outside the fish tank is called liberation and the one we are trying to find is our Father or God. We are so oblivious of the world outside that we consider this life as the one which we have to live confined to that fish tank. We think there is no escape outside. First we should have knowledge that there is a world outside. Look outside the tank or outside the destiny which has enchained us. The ones who get the knowledge that there is ...

The Driver & The Driven

Krishna drove Arjuna in the battle field of Kurukshetra and we know the rest as they say is history. Though He drives us all our lives but we really think we do the driving. Have you noticed how kids think they drive the car or train when they sit in their seats. They play drive making the funny sounds with their mouth thinking that they will now stop or start. Its fun play acting but as we live our life we do the same thinking that we are the driver ourselves whereas we are being driven constantly. He makes us believe we have the steering wheel in our hands! The journey is not to our liking since we are constantly evaluating the progress. It happens exactly in reverse then what we have visualized. If we thought that we will have a happy marriage, we end up being the most miserable married people. Just think what we end up saying then- I tried my level best and yet this marriage is a failure. I gave it all that I have and was the best person. I really worked hard and yet.....! In the s...

God And His Problems!

Have you ever wondered if God were to have issues and problems then where would He go to get answers and relief from them? I am sure He has issues which are humongous and their answers too are very difficult to get. But there must be someone He too goes for answers. Let us find out about them here! Once Krishna had a stinking headache and He asked His disciple Uddhava to get some medicine for it. He asked Uddhava to go to His best devotees and get the dust of their feet. Uddhava was surprised at this but he went to find them anyway. He went to Brindavan and found that the Gopi's of Brindavan were His highest devotees and so he asked them for the dust of their feet. The Gopi's gathered a sackful of dust from all their feet and presented it to Uddhava. He was aghast to find a sackful of dust and he felt that this was an insult to Krishna. But the Gopi's love was overflowing just like the sackful of dust. They were willing to do anything so that their beloveds headache goes aw...

To Be In Love

To be in love is the strangest feelings anyone can ever have. To be lost in the thoughts of the one and just revel in it. To feel the pain and misery of separation and yet feel good about it. To dress and shine for the one and yet not be near Him. To loose oneself in remembering the days when you have met. To never feel lonely yet be lonesome. To gather the scraps of the beautiful moments as mementos and watch them wistfully. To look at the moon and feel the closeness with the one. To fight at the first given opportunity and yet want to meet again and again. To sit in silence and see the world go by without involving in the actions. To hear the heartbeats of the one and work out a rhythm in our own. To hide them from the world of physical pain and sorrow and take on yourself. To check at every given opportunity for the mail or a call when you know the one will never do that. To hope at every given moment of being together and yet never getting the chance to do the same. To take on even...