Story Of Faith
Kumarila Bhatta was a great scholar who joined the Nalanda University so that he could refute the Buddhist doctrines. He knew the Hindu scriptures and could expound on them very well. One day his teacher Dharmakirti made an error in explaning the Hindu scriptures so Kumarila stood against his teacher and corrected him. This in turn turned all the Buddhist students against him. They plotted to throw him from the top of the building. Before they could throw him, they asked him whether his Hindu Vedas could save him from death. Kumarila answered that he thought that they would save him. The students dropped him from top and hoped that he would die but when they reached down they saw him laughing away and unhurt except for a small injury to his eye. They ridiculed him and told him that anyway his Vedas saved him but still gave him that small injury to his eye. He answered that though he had full faith in the Hindu scriptures, he still "thought" that they would save him, whereas w...