Hot Air

Have you noticed how much of hot air goes around when two or more people meet at a party, office, outdoors, in twitter and facebook and at the dinner table too?
The main purpose of this chatter is to create conversation and for what purpose?
That is to establish our own identity and create a voluminous ideas about our own little self. To feel wanted, to get there first, to say that-I know, to make others feel how much of knowledge we have, to feel good about our own-self, to joke and make fun of others, to pull the others down and so on.
This is exactly how we talk nonstop and make our presence felt. The chatter goes on even in the mind after we have left the place. Reminds me of a story where the Guru and the disciple are going cross country. They meet a very beautiful damsel who requests the elder to carry her across the river which is swollen. The Guru carries her on his shoulder and drops her on the other side. After a few hours, the disciple asks the Guru how did he feel carrying such a beautiful maiden on his shoulders?
The Guru replies that though he had dropped her at the river bank, why was the disciple still carrying her even just then?
We are exactly like this disciple letting our mind wreck havoc with itself and making this meaningful life meaningless.
There are three types of knowledge in this world.
The first is that which we learn from our parents, school, college, world, work place and so on and that is called-Ignorance!
The second is gained from the scriptures, holy books and the Guru(preceptor) and this is called the Indirect knowledge. This too shall not lead us anywhere.
The last is called the Supreme Knowledge which is the knowledge of the Self which is self effulgent and rises from within.
But we cannot recognize it if we do not have the indirect knowledge.
It is like carrying a stone in hand and having no idea of its worth even though it is a priceless gem, unless we have the knowledge given us by our Guru and the texts.
The mundane chatter brought about by senseless people in our lives causes our mind to get disturbed and we fill it up with such useless stuff which will never take us to our ultimate destination of knowing the Self.
So do not indulge in senseless chatter or gossip which will take this priceless time away from us and make our life worthless.
Just look at our parents and think that now that they have become old and graying- Do we want to become like them? The first answer would be NO!
I don't want to be like my father or mother but I want to be like ME!
But are you actually trying hard to be that Supreme Self? Not at all. Look at your life- it is full of crap like watching matches, eating in fancy restaurants, dressing nattily, sending our kids to fancy schools, having classy education, going on the ultimate holidays and so on pandering to our lower self and not bothered about liberation or knowing who we truly are!
So stop this meandering mind and become truly who you are and spend quality time within your own true Self! Become the One true God that's who you truly are!


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