Yesterday I was watching the movie Wall Street and the hero talks about greed and how important it is to be greedy to succeed.
Have you noticed we are never satisfied with what we have and always crave for more than what we get? If it is the salary that we get, we need more than that. If it is wealth, then more than what we have. Similarly in marriage as well, we want to own our spouses and consider them as a personal property. There is always the upside of greed but there is a never considered down side too.
When we become greedy we are not only taking what we don't deserve but make all others less fortunate and poor. Say for example when we make the presentations at the clients place as if it is our own brain-work, we are actually antagonizing a lot of our deserving colleagues. The client thinks you to be super brilliant but forgets to acknowledge the true people around that deed. Take the case of one of the top companies in India whose mentor is praised to the heavens for his simplicity and suave PR skills. Once he back stabbed his own mentor and took away the business. Then he created a lecherous monster who has now gulped the first company as well. The greed to own the world is so great that people can be bought and so can the media. But the great man is considered to be God of the industry. According to that 'simple' person-Greed is good, Greed is God!
Today when facebook has become the big fish which cannot be caught since they own the ocean, someday will feel the pain as well. The oceans are not anyone's property but God's! His justice works slowly but surely.
It is good to be greedy for God's love which will never hurt but will reap rich dividends for us. To want worldly riches and become greedy will lead us to doom.
Nearly half of Bandra, Mumbai was owned by my family once but today there is no one to know that or take care of it so it went to some others. What use was that greed for my forefathers? The largest mortgage companies are in ruins, the largest automobile giants are nowhere today. Rome burnt down so did Dwarka get submerged. The invincible character of Raktacharitra got gunned down.
So tell me what use is this greed which will take you finally to doom and despair?
It will only cause you more misery and heart burn.
Chuck this material greed and go after the Supreme Lord greedily for His love.