What Do I Do Now?
Just yesterday I was again asked this question-What do I do now that I am in spiritual?
Let me take you through the paces once again and then you decide what suits you.
First of all those that are born realized are 'Nityasiddha', just as Pralhad or Arjuna were but they are covered with the veils of Maya. They do not have to follow any special requirements since they are already there. Then the next type are where the Grace of God suddenly descends upon them and are called 'Kripasiddha' and the last type are called 'Sadhanasiddha' where the aspirant has to do continuous Sadhana or Efforts to reach realization.All these above are Siddhas or realized beings.They have reached there. Now we come to the Sadhaks. Those who are on the path and are progressing steadly. They may be at various levels and have to constantly give tests to get where they are and beyond. They have to endeavour and try harder to progress in their spiritual quest. They are just like the students at the university trying to get to the requisite degree.They require the books, tools of knowledge, experiments, experience, reading, writing, cogitation, study and above all a qualified Guide(Guru). But here you have to note, the student(sadhak) has to eat, drink, sleep, and follow all the rules and injunctions as laid down by the universe. These are called Yamas and Niyamas(restraints and observences) or rules of conduct in this world. So they should work, earn money, save, get married and have a family and worldly life and so on. When they have far advanced in the spiritual the Guru will himself tell them what they can do. The onus of this action where the Guru takes charge of the sadhaks life falls on the Guru himself.
Then there are those who have never seen, nor heard of this bird called the spiritual and such type of people are called ignorant and live a life which will continue to be in the loop of karma and have to take multiple births in various wombs till the end of creation.They have casual knowledge of the spiritual, follow religious activities, visit places of worship, do prayers, read some spiritual books, have no spiritual guide, listen to satsangs once in a while, consider the worldly duties as important, have terrible desires to earn a living and make money and reach some worldly goals, consider the spiritual casually and take it up in spare time or retirement, consider the God as one who can be milked for their personal wants as and when they arise, consider the family or society greater than God, think that Karma means duties and have in general absolute mundane knowledge of the spiritual. They are great critics of the way of the spiritualists and proffer 'intelligent' comments on spiritual of which they have no knowledge. They form the greater class of people and we who believe in spiritual and are under the guidance of our Guru should avoid at all cost.
I hope you now understand where you stand and then do what is necessary for your growth in this world of spiritual.
Please note that there are hardly any those who have reached the state of a siddha so considering this we should be doing our mundane worldly duties as prescribed and continuing the practices as instructed by our Guru. Let the quest continue but let us live with the Yamas and Niyamas as prescribed.