
Showing posts from June, 2017

Being LED

  Tubelight works with choke and starter. Man starts work only if he is shocked and choked by destiny . Today man needs to be LED!

Steadiness is the Key

success, man demands more and fizzles out soon! Better to have steady growth and not sudden blowouts!

Good Self

Be your good self. Do not be mean to others, even if they are mean to you. Follow all religious injunctions. Be devoted to God.

Everything Counts !

Never discount the worth of anyone or anything. A jigsaw puzzle needs every single piece to complete the picture.

Laziness Rules

From standing in queue to telecalling, push button to hovering and now it’s AI, the age of Tamas dawns! Laziness Rules!

Loving Self

In a dog-eat-dog world, we forget being a playful puppy and become a vicious, rabid dog. Can we not remain our cuddly loving self?

Stay Human!

Scorpion stings, vulture preys, snake bites, cat hisses & dog barks! It’s their inherent nature! DON’T BE LIKE THEM! STAY HUMAN!

Absolute Faith in God

Faith in God conceives miracles and sometimes miracles instils faith in the divine! Absolute Faith In God Makes Life A Miracle.

Give selflessly

The sun burns out for others. Your happiness lies in making others happy. Give selflessly.

Know Your Limits

Eat what you can digest. Be it knowledge, work, money, food or relationships-know your limits! Lust and greed will ruin you.

Carpe Diem

Destiny may not give you a second chance. Grab opportunities as they come. There may not be a tomorrow!

Not The Same

Have you wondered why the Shrewsbury biscuit not taste the same at any other place other than that old Kayani’s? The dal made by you has never tasted like your mothers, even though the ingredients and the recipe is the same!Let us understand the reason why! Once a great saint was asked a question by his disciple about some old sutra. He asked her to read the English litoral translation of the sutra telling her that he couldn’t read and understand Pali. She became indignant and asked him,”if you cannot even read the sutra how can you even tell us the meaning of it?” He answered her that by reading a map you cannot reach the destination, whereas an uneducated person just by his inner knowledge reach there even though he cannot read the map. The essence of any teachings can never be got by reading some texts or reading the explanations in a text. I was reading an article today on the net where a question was asked to a saint as to why should we attend satsang and n...

Empower Yourself

‘Be good to yourself,’means empower yourself. Only when you feel empowered can you empower others. Help yourself,then help others!

Don't Be A Fool

When two IDIOTS are talking/arguing on subjects they know nothing about, don’t be a FOOL and interject or give your viewpoints.