Giving Reasons?
Giving reasons are our forte! We all love to give reasons for everything that we can't do, don't want to do, forgotten to do or just waste away. So our mind has this great capacity to find out hundreds of reasons why we are not doing it. Where do we learn that? As a child we have given ourselves the leeway to find answers for all our misdoings. Even if we take up a candy found in someone's bag and have eaten it, we won't tell or we wouldn't own up to eating it. This is a kind of a defensive behavior and a method of getting past our silly crimes. We learn to tell white lies and stand up to ourselves when we feel suppressed. As we grew up, this habit grew with us. So in studies too, when the chips were down, we came up with various unknown illnesses, disasters, deaths, shortages and what nots as reasons for failing to perform. Later, it continued in the job front when we met our first set of disappointments. Later we lost our jobs and so the easiest way of getting ...