Man Lives On Hope!
Man lives on hope! Another plane vanishes. We all have hopes. We all wish so much that the flight returns and the people aboard are found safe and sound. That is hope. We all live on hope. Don't we hope for the best even in the worst possible scenario? When we know that there is even the faintest of chances for success, we hope for the best. Man hopes that the deformed fetus that is struggling to survive lives. We hope the new year brings cheer and lots of happiness for your beloved. We visualize the coming season will be wonderful. We pray that the student sitting for exam has an easy answer paper. We hope the results will be good. We all hope that you get a good job with good salary. We pin our hopes that the slave gets his freedom. We hope that God listens to our prayers. The movie producer hopes his picture is a hit. The girl thinks she has the magic recipe for weight reduction. He hopes he will win the lottery this time. Hope is a big word with four letters. It ha...