The Shit Hit The Ceiling!
Organized or disorganized are the ways on which most of the material worldly results rest on! I am reminded of a joke from my childhood days. There were no enclosed toilets earlier so people would go for depositing night soil anywhere in the open. This guy used to take a leaking pot which used to empty by the time he finished with his activity. He decides not to waste the water, so he washes his ass first and then does his job! It was meant to be funny but it carries deeper meaning. We all behave like this. We are not organized in our world. We carry leaking pots in our lives. Then we end up doing something idiotic too. You cannot blame the pot or the hole in the pot. Remember your mind is full of shit so it cannot organize anything at all. Decluttering the mind is extremely important. Get rid of all frivolous thoughts before you begin any activity. Write down all things which you need for making your exercise a success. You can write on a piece of paper or a note in y...