Why Not Corrupt?
If a person is never caught or nailed to his lie does not necessarily mean that he is perfect! It only means that we are too naive not to see through the maya of the Lord! The Lords maya works so beautifully that we are always deluded by her in various aspects of life. Take for example the great matches being played, if you are naive enough then you will never see through the deals struck at the beginning of the whole episodes. Similarly when someone is trying so hard to create a grand infrastructure and the whole universe is against them, you should wonder why that is happening at that moment! Please know that it is just another deal being struck somewhere and every hungry mouth needs to be satisfied along the path. If you fail to give in to that hungry dragon of deceit, corruption, palm greasing, under the table deals, cloak and dagger stuff, then you are not suitable enough to be in that place. You better leave the field to the experienced players. They truly know how to play the ga...