To my Dearest Adiyaen, I am extremely touched by your acceptance,not knowing what it meant,Adiyaen-humble Disciple!As Shri Ramanujacharya was to His Supreme Guru! I have known from the start that a teacher is not a teacher till she has a student facing her. It is always the student which defines the teacher and black defines white, so also evil defines good. God would not be God if there was no devil to define Him. That clearly shows if there is no contrast then the object cannot be seen at all. Without a shadow we can never know that there is light or an object. Without maya we can never understand God, without the MIND we cannot understand God ! What is MIND?M-I-N-D! M means Maya – that which deludes us at all times.Making us think that the shadow has an independent existence and is there only because of itself. I means I or Ego – that which makes us think that I am the doer and not someone else.You think that you got the job or education because of I ,me and myself!!!I ...