Where Is The Mind?
Where is the mind? Where do you think is the mind? Is it somewhere in your head or is it the brain? Is it the heart or any other part of the body? No one has the real idea but most of the people believe that it is in our heads. In India, if you were to ask a person where is the mind, he will answer you very peculiarly. He may point out towards his heart. Indians call mind as munn or mun! The mun is believed to be near the heart. So if a westerner was asked, he invariably points towards the brain or head. Let me tell you where the mind is. Mind is called one of the bodies according to Hindus and Buddhists. Mind is supposed to carry data about all the things from this life and even the past in the form of memories and tendencies. I have just suggested two but it has more than that. Coming back to the location of the mind, it is everywhere right across the body. From the head to the tip of your toe. Are you surprised to know that? Let me give you an idea. Everyone believes when your litt...