
Showing posts from December, 2016

Truth Is One Sided

The worldly truth is always one sided. You may wonder how can that be? But let me show you how truth can be one sided. Let us take couple of examples here. First the perennial issues about a mother-in-law and their daughters-in-law fights! You have seen it in your life, how this happens. If you are the man caught in between these two, you will understand what I am saying. Both are right from their point of views and both are wrong too. You can see your mother getting hyper with your wife for her own reasons and your wife acting it out as an aggrieved party! Now tell me who is truthful and who is lying? You won’t be able to make out a case of one, wherein you will surely hurt the other. Next, the case between two lovers who are breaking up now. If you are the friend of the girl, you will surely have sympathies for her and would hate the man. On the other hand if you are from the boys side it would be the opposite. So now be a neutral judge and tell me who is in the right? Neither...

Regret Many Things

We regret many things in our life. We always wonder why aren’t we able to do those wonderful things that we used to do in our childhood or youth. On one hand we are rueful of the past and regret not being able to do many things then due to paucity of funds or knowledge or the will to do that. On the other hand now we regret not being able to be so proactive like your younger self. You were full of chutzpah and zest earlier and now you have lost the mojo in your life. Either ways, you are dreading your current status of being hyper active or a complete dodo. Your regret shows so plainly that you may completely turn yourself off. So why are you regretting your current or past status? Let us first tackle the lack of enthusiasm and inertia set in you today, whereas you were literally a firebrand earlier in life. You have asked yourself why are you like this now? A completely stupefied and inert being . It’s isn’t that you haven’t analyzed yourself to death for your current st...

Do you copy your Guru or Mentor?

Do you copy your Guru or Mentor? When you copy your mentor or your Guru, do you really believe that you have reached their position? They say that imitation is best form of flattery! But in real life is that true and can you do it? Your mentor has very weird methods of training you and weirder ways of life. He may drink hard liquor out of straws or mix coffee with tea, so would you think that's what you too have got to do? Don't be silly, you are just proving to be a brainless jerk so don't do it. But your argument would be that shouldn't I be following what he does, even if it sounds crazy? That's how he came about to be so good, you would say! But being silly and idiotic is one thing and to copy that idiotic behavior is another. Just stay away from such show of silliness. Just be yourself and only take good and genuine stuff from your mentor. Now let's come to the spiritual domain and see how your master behaves. He is totally loco as far as you can see. He...