The Deed Is Done
What to do when the deed is done? Is there any way by means of which I can be redeemed? These are the questions that I got from some people some time back so I am writing the answers here. You know what you are doing is not right and yet you are still doing it. Or there are inevitable actions happening which could have been avoided in normal circumstances but the situations were too overwhelming and so that happened. I know this may sound vague to most people but those in the know will agree with me here. So let me give you some examples. Once when your immediate supervisor insisted you to have a glass of wine even though he knew you were a teetotaler and you were forced to accept it. Though you don’t do drugs, once you had it unknowingly. Similarly, you never are much into one night stand but the circumstances were too compelling and you ended up in the sack with some really obnoxious creature. Now these are random instances which I have written about so I guess you got the gist ...