Destiny And Opportunity
What is the difference between destiny and opportunity? As we all understand that destiny is programmed happening. Opportunity is that which comes before us to do something else. So the question is valid, can an opportunity not be a programmed affair? So why should we call it opportunity and not destiny? Karma is programmed into our being and we follow the said path like the rat in a maze. He has to reach the cheese in the center any which way. Everyday is programmed in this cycle of time. After yesterday there is today and there will be tomorrow and then the day after. So man and his destiny follow a defined path in one direction. Destiny is always leading man towards this prarabdha(current) karma expiation. So let us understand by means of examples. A man is supposed to take two glasses of drinks from his friend. But while he is going ahead with programmed repayment of two glasses of drinks, he sneaks in two more. Not that wasn't in destiny but it came as an opportunity to...