Is This World Lying?
Is this world lying? I was watching Morgan Freeman's science program in which he ended by saying that ask anyone the truth and it will be only a lie. I agree with him since everything is a lie in the domain of Maya. It's called Krsna's Maya and it is illusory. So someone came up with the term-relative! Just as time is relative to the position on the planet earth. Wherever you are the time is correlated to the latitude and longitude, the position of the sun and so on. Night and day are determined by darkness and light. Then what happens in the land of the midnight sun? Or the Antarctic or the poles? Likewise in our life also, we always tell the so called truth to others. It is relative to what you or the other wants to hear. Look at it this way, the ugliest of the child is the most beautiful to the mother. The husband or boyfriend is forced to call his ugly spouse or girlfriend as beautiful too. At other times the wife wrongfully says that her husband is like an Adonis o...