
Showing posts from November, 2014

Good Old Times

Where did the good old times go? The things we were used to no longer exist and to find a replacement for the old becomes very tough. This is our way of exasperation and frustration, which makes us say that we miss the good old days or the stuff we were so accustomed to.  Getting acclimatized to the new methods or gadgets, systems or people is very tough for the uninitiated. You will find this phenomenon whenever you buy the newer phones or computers, whose technology differs.  Though it becomes relatively easier to navigate the new devices or systems but for some people it appears like climbing Mount Impossible.  When we graduated to push button phones from the old analog pieces and later to cellphones. The cellphones too have undergone numerous changes right from the push button type to swipe screens and now it may appear to graduate to voice prompt or some other. Similarly, when we moved on from the age old hard keyed Remington typewriters to the IBM Selectric to deskt...

No One Listens!

No one listens! Why don't they listen? You keep on telling them and still they never listen. It's no use talking you say, because any which way no one will listen. So why talk and waste your breath?  Yours is a sage's advice and still no one takes it. You know that you have gone through similar situations and made mistakes. So you don't want the others to do the same. So out of your goodness, you want these people not to repeat your type of mistakes. It has been costly mistakes and you have been suffering because of them. So you don't want these folks to err, so you want to help them. But no one wants to do that. Their big fat ego comes in the way and they never for once listen to your sagacious advice.  After they did that several times, you have stopped telling them anything. They don't care for you and neither do you give a damn if they are alive or not. You feel sad for them so many times that you go and open your mouth to genuinely stop them and again commi...

Very Busy?

I am very busy. I have too many things to do. There is no time for some other things to be done. I wish there were more than 24 hours in a day. I am very tired and I just need a holiday. I am sure you have heard all of the above in your daily life.  Now analyze the same person from your own perspective. She got up at around 9am. Had tea for one whole hour. Read newspaper. Went inside the kitchen after her morning ablutions. Cooked some simple stuff and then proceeded to serve the family members by afternoon. Took the afternoon snooze. The maid came and cleaned the house and went away. Got up late evening. Had another beverage and made and ate some snacks. Went to the neighbors and chatted. Husband came and served dinner. Went to bed, made love and slept off to wake up again next day after he had gone to work. Now she says she is very tired.  Look at him now. He got up, did his morning ablutions, had breakfast of cereals and went to work. Entered office, spoke to multiple peopl...