
Showing posts from October, 2014

Dead End

Relationships reach dead end very soon.  Now what is there to talk about? There is hardly anything to discus in our lives anymore. These statements are usual in a marriage after a couple of years. Today, married folks hardly speak much. They have closed their communication window. There is no love left.  In arranged marriages, there is hardly any discussion since both the partners hardly know each other. To explore each other takes time. To build confidence in each other itself is tough. Then to discus private lives or the past is very difficult. Either of them have no clue how they will be accepted by the other. Hence they both prefer silence. Later, once the child comes into the picture, there is no time to talk. What is left of life is to discus mundane family matters and sometimes office. Once in a while it is holiday time. That too is fraught with pressures of money or time. So people get used to their lifestyle which hardly has any true love whatsoever.  Those who g...

Festivals Come And Go.

The festivals come and go. We are full of celebrations then and later the spirit vanishes. The enthusiasm dies down the moment the festival closes for the day. We get back to our mundane world once again. Why does the spirit die?  When the man got created in the womb, he was living in a world full of darkness and waters. There was inertia and inactivity. There was only the occasional gurgle and movement. Till whole of the nine months, the child inside never experienced any movement at all. It was just a small one. Once it was born, the activity happened. Later, the activity again became inactive. Our original state is inactivity alone. So how can we expect to be active all the time? Man has got created from inactive elements and his natural tendency is inactivity. So he tends to move towards a state of becoming inactive once again. It's the same principle of the pendulum. It swings till there is motion or momentum. Once the momentum wanes the pendulum comes to rest. It's then i...

What Does God Do For Me?

What does God do for me? Often you have wondered when it is mentioned that God doesn't interfere in the working of this world and otherwise you believe God does everything. So which of it is true?  Both the statements are true. The divine doesn't interfere in anything that is happening around you. You can see that statement is true when even after multiple fervent prayers, the object is never achieved. You pray for your parent to survive. He suffers from a debilitating disease and you have gone and prayed fervently to God. But nothing happens and the parent dies. You ask the question to God, why couldn't He save the parent? Didn't you pray hard? Weren't your prayers understood by Him? He is said to be kind and compassionate and yet it doesn't show you that side of His nature! So your faith is shaken. You ask some religious person and they answer that God is compassionate so He took away your and your parents' pain. They say, He knows best what is right for y...