Dead End
Relationships reach dead end very soon. Now what is there to talk about? There is hardly anything to discus in our lives anymore. These statements are usual in a marriage after a couple of years. Today, married folks hardly speak much. They have closed their communication window. There is no love left. In arranged marriages, there is hardly any discussion since both the partners hardly know each other. To explore each other takes time. To build confidence in each other itself is tough. Then to discus private lives or the past is very difficult. Either of them have no clue how they will be accepted by the other. Hence they both prefer silence. Later, once the child comes into the picture, there is no time to talk. What is left of life is to discus mundane family matters and sometimes office. Once in a while it is holiday time. That too is fraught with pressures of money or time. So people get used to their lifestyle which hardly has any true love whatsoever. Those who g...