Child's Question
When a child asks a question, does the mother get irritated? Not at all. Never. On the contrary, the mother feels more love for her child. Even if the child is irritable or cranky, she continues to address the issue with love. Such is the case of the Guru. Every question is welcomed by Him and addressed in its own unique way. The answers are given using methods conventional or unconventional. The book is opened to a particular page which has the answer. Or he voices it out. At other times the experience connected to it will happen. Are there any answers which he cannot give? None whatsoever. How does that happen, you may wonder? The normal human being has to stress on his memory and mind to search out the answer but for the true sage, the answers just pour out from the divine. It's like every human being is not connected to the internet through the computer, so his knowledge is only that his hard drive carries. But the Guru is only like a net book, connecte...