
Showing posts from March, 2014

Child's Question

When a child asks a question, does the mother get irritated? Not at all. Never. On the contrary, the mother feels more love for her child. Even if the child is irritable or cranky, she continues to address the issue with love.  Such is the case of the Guru. Every question is welcomed by Him and addressed in its own unique way. The answers are given using methods conventional or unconventional.  The book is opened to a particular page which has the answer. Or he voices it out. At other times the experience connected to it will happen.  Are there any answers which he cannot give? None whatsoever.  How does that happen, you may wonder? The normal human being has to stress on his memory and mind to search out the answer but for the true sage, the answers just pour out from the divine.  It's like every human being is not connected to the internet through the computer, so his knowledge is only that his hard drive carries. But the Guru is only like a net book, connecte...

The Ugly Duckling

Have you heard the story of the ugly duckling? So what happened afterwards, is it worth listening to?  The eggs hatch and give off beautiful birds but this one particular bird looks like an ugly duckling. Everyone makes fun of him and derides him.  Then one day a group of beautiful swans come there. They welcome him. He wonders why and looks at his own reflection in the water and finds out that he is no longer the ugly duckling. He has grown into a very beautiful swan. He flies away with them!  Hans Christian Andersen wrote the above story. His story ended above but the duckling which turned into a swan and rose high in the air, could never believe itself that he was indeed a swan.  As his usual habit, he waddled and quacked. Made so much noise and disturbed the flock. His eating or flying habits to every other one resembled that of a duck.  He never could get further than thinking of himself as a superior species. He wanted to return back to the land.  So ...

Two Fruits

When you take two fruits, say jackfruit and mango,can you tell the difference between them? You will say, yes, I can! Both are different. Then you will try describing them to me. Making a case for both and feeling triumphant about your knowledge.  Yet, you haven't understood the truth. 99% of both the fruits have the same characteristics. But what you gave me was the difference between them. Both are fruits. Both come from plant kingdom. Both are yellow in color. Both have sweetness and fruit sugars filled in them. The 1% difference is only in taste and that too you can only tell me the difference if you are actually tasting it.  So when we see people in this world, though everyone is made up of the same stuff, we still see the difference more than anything. We assess all of them with that 1% difference we see in them. Even if that person hasn't opened his mouth and said something, we have created an opinion about him. Just like someone who looks at the outer covering of the j...

Why God Why?

Why, God, Why? When was it that your questions got some answers? Too many unanswered questions!  How many of you face failures every single day? You guess almost all. Yet, you all hope and pray that you will get it right. But destiny always ditches you at the last minute. God, if there is one, you say, always plays hokey with you. Never allowing you to win ever.  So then where is the question of belief in the invisible? Someone you haven't seen or heard at all? Why do you need to give so much of importance to that someone or something when things don't go right? It is beyond logical thinking, why people have so much of dependency over this unknown one?  You can see your parents, so you depend on them for any help during childhood. As you grow up, your teacher or friends work alongside. Later, your spouse is the prop and colleagues. The bosses and workplace mentors help you. For other assistances you seek for professional guidance. Your health or wealth is monitored by the...

The Blame Game

We all love playing the blame game. How many of us actually take responsibility about our own issues and stop blaming the other? Hardly anyone with the right sense will do that, you say?  When the bottle breaks, you ask the wife why she couldn't keep it in the middle of the table safely instead of keeping it near your hand? When the car refuses to start, you love to blame her for messing up with it the last time she took it out. You say that the car should never be given to those who cannot use it properly.  The child gets less marks at school and it's the other parents fault all because he was too busy at work and had no time to make the child study!  When she gets pregnant, it's her fault for not stopping you or counting days, but it is never about you wearing a condom? When the expense books are not tallying at the end of the month, it's all because your mother had come to stay and she wastes so much food and has no regards for money being spent!  Sometimes the si...

Suffer Pain

We all suffer pain right from the time we took birth. There isn't a single person who hasn't lived in pain. It may be physical or mental, intense or mild, accompanied by hurt, yet we all suffer.  So when we say that we experience pain, what actually happens and where? When does it begin? We are so much used to getting hurt and feeling pain right from before we are born.  Living in a tiny hovel, suspended upside down, gurgling in the waters, forcibly being prodded and poked around in our home called the womb, we have suffered so many atrocities that we seem to care less therein. But the moment we are out of the mothers womb, we yell our head off in pain and distress! So, as you now will agree, we are enjoyers of physical and mental pain even before we are squeezed out of our mothers womb.  Human beings are accustomed to torture by submission even when they are small. Imagine the breasts being shoved inside your little mouths, gooey stuff poured down your throat as baby foo...

Trend Begins

How does the trend begin?  He had five pairs of shoes.  He wore one pair per day to work.  He was always immaculately dressed. A matching top and bottom too.  One day, there was some commotion in his life.  He accidentally wore two wrong shoes. The right foot didn't match the left one.  When it was pointed out by his colleague, he was very embarrassed.  Later, the same person came and told him that it looks cool. No one felt anything wrong with it. They all appreciated it genuinely.  The next day he decided that he would do such mix and match with his other pairs too.  So the new trend started.  Now everyone wears two different color or pairs in their two feet.  This universe has weird ways of telling you things. We have to listen to what the universe says.  There are hidden truths which with our little intellect, we can never understand.  Give universe a chance to help us learn about the future. Don't close doors to newer...

Association Of Songs And Music

We associate different songs and music with different people. Different situations too have a song ascribed to that. Our world is full of musical journey.  Hardly will you find a person devoid of any song attributed to himself. The Bollywood film industry cannot live without a big dose of songs even when the story doesn't warrant it. We are musically inclined people.  Somewhere over the rainbow may be the song of your life which gives you the sweet feelings in your heart. Sometimes it's te amo. Or the Lara Fabian's Je t'aime!  Who can not get moved by such lovely lyrics or the music? Music has been responsible for bringing back love in our lives. So many love songs that can move you exist. Some become our anthems and some remind us about our nostalgic past. Some raise anger for the losses that we have met and some can trigger the tear glands to just flow incessantly.  Wandering sages and saints too have brought devotion back to us. Men and women who sing songs about ...

A Sparrow Couple

There was once a sparrow couple, who was very devoted to their children.  Everyday they would go out seeking grain for their entire family. Later they would eat some and leave out some for drying in the sun, which they could partake later.  One day the crow found these grains which the sparrows has left out to dry. He swooped down and started to eat them heartily. Later in the day, when the sparrow couple returned, they found the grains gone. They assumed that their children had eaten them.  So they worked harder to gather more grains. Everyday they found that the entire grains were disappearing. Maybe their children had more appetite, they thought!  One fine day they found the grains has disappeared and the crow had shat over there. They immediately understood that there was the worthless crow who ate into their hard labor. They were furious. But now they had to do something about this robber.  They went to meet the wisest of the sparrows. He whispered a deviou...

This World Is Unfair!

This world is unfair! The anger you feel when someone else gets the limelight or someone else get praised, when you are the one who has done all the work or slaved so hard for it! It's absolutely frustrating for you to again repeat the same success when you know you won't even get an acknowledgement nor credit for it.  Hasn't this been the thorn in your job or home or with your friends too? At home your elder sibling takes away all the credit and you are never praised. But when they do something wrong, you are squarely blamed for it.  At office too, you have taken so much pain and put in efforts day and night, but when it came to getting a commendation or praise it went to your bosses chamchas or cronies. Btw, they even got higher ratings than you and good increment in pay whereas you were left twiddling your thumbs and feeling cheated.  When your friends gave you your birthday party, you should have been the center of attention but on the contrary, this idiotic friend of...